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A/N- Sorry for all the timeskips, I'm trying to move the story along. I also got home around 2:30 p.m. yesterday, but was too tired to write! But now, here I am.

Hope you enjoy!

It was another week before Sue gave the green light for her to walk around and go back to school, however she shouldn't shift for atleast another few days. Embry and Jared had brought her the school work for the last 2 weeks and so, she had a thick stack of completed work to be turned in.

While Lizzy wanted to move around and not be treated like an invalid, she didn't want to go to school. But she was forced to go by Sam.

She wore one of Paul's hoodies, black leggings, and black hightop vans. Her hair was up in a ponytail with no makeup whatsoever. To anyone else she'd look like a mess, but to her boyfriend, she looked as beautiful as she always did.

As they walked into the school, students stared at her more than they usually did. The words the dark haired girl heard come from them, confused her to no end.

"You think she's pregnant?"

"Who would wanna fuck her?"

"She was gone for 2 weeks, obviously someone would."

"Paul could do so much better than her."

"I bet she cheated on him."

"I heard she got in an accident."

"If she got in an accident on these roads, she wouldn't be here. Which would be better for us in the long run."

Paul saw his imprint begin to shake as they were walking down the hall and he wrapped an arm firmly around her waist, feeling her calm down.
"Ignore them, they'll never understand what's going on." Paul whispered as they made it to their lockers, placing some books inside. "I wanna kick their asses." Lizzy growled lowly.

"I know, Sunshine.. But leave that to Jared's imprint." Paul gestured towards a beautiful girl with long dark hair, angrily talking to the girls that were previously spouting the rumors. It was Kim.

Lizzy was going to talk to Kim, not for a bad reason, she just wanted to officially meet her best friends imprint. As she was getting ready to walk over, the bell rang and they got lost in the sea of students going to class.

Lizzy knew the rumors would drive her crazy, but soon enough, someone else would do something that earned a spot in the rumor mill.
She just couldn't wait for the day to be over so she could go home and ignore responsibilities.


Lizzy leaned into Paul's side as she ate the fries on her tray. They were nearing cold and soggy, but they didn't taste terrible. It was about usual for public school lunches.
Light conversation bounced around the table between Embry, Paul, and Lizzy. Jared was sitting with Kim, like he did every other day. Jake sat off to the side of the table, staring at his food as if it murdered someone.

Lizzy threw a grape at his head and he glared harshly at her. "What the fuck Liz?" Jacob growled. "Get your head out of your ass, and act like you're actually here." She growled back, turning to her food once more.
"Fuck off, Elizabeth." Jacob said without thinking. The conversation ceased and Paul's arm tightened around his imprint as he felt her stiffen. Her head snapped to Jacob, a light gold shining in her eyes. "NEVER say that again." She growled before standing up and exiting the cafeteria.

Select few people were aloud to use her full name. Usually select few could use nicknames, but for her, she insisted on people using her nicknames or making their own, special for her.
Like Paul called her Sunshine, Embry called her Beth, mostly everyone called her Liz or Lizzy. Only 3 people were aloud to call her by her full name.
And that's Sam, Emily, and Billy. Nobody else.

Lizzy left school and shifted in the woods, against doctors orders. She survived the little bit of pain as she shifted into the beautiful white wolf. She meandered around the woods, looking at the scenery, until a familiar smell caught her attention.

The redheaded leech. The bitch caught Lizzy on a bad day.
She followed the scent all the way to a young boy, who was actively being drained of blood. The wolf growled loudly, the sound reverberating in the woods.

The vampires head snapped up and she smirked, throwing the sobbing kid to the ground. He couldn't have been more than 7 years old. This pissed Lizzy off even more. She stepped protectively in front of the kid.


To be continued...

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