Telling Paul

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Emily had given Lizzy ideas for her reveal to Paul. Tell him with a book or a custom onesie. While she loved those ideas, there was a simpler idea which Leah gave her. Just leave the tests in the bathroom and let him find them.

So one morning, about 2 weeks later, she woke up before Paul and left the tests on the counter, positive side up. Lizzy then proceeded to go about her morning as if nothing was going on.

She began making breakfast when Anthony came down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Morning Izzy." Anthony yawned, going to hug the teenager. "Morning bud. Did you sleep good?" She asked, laying bacon out on a baking sheet.

The boy nodded and released her. "That's good, I'm making breakfast so you can go watch cartoons in the meantime." She says and his eyes light up. Anthony ran to the living room and jumped up on the couch, just as another episode of old school (or classic) Looney Tunes started.

Lizzy washed her hands and put the bacon in the oven then started on the hashbrowns. It was minutes later she heard shuffling going on upstairs. Then it stopped.
Then there was heavy footsteps coming out of the bathroom/bedroom and down the hall. Lizzy watched as Paul nearly fell down the stairs with a test in each hand.

He found her almost immediately and stared wide eyed. "Are these real?" Paul asked, looking at his girlfriend. "Yes." She responded simply as she went to flip the hashbrowns.

"You're really pregnant? Don't fuck around with me, Sunshine." Paul pleaded. Lizzy flipped them, lowered the heat, and turned to him, making her way over. "I really am, Paul. I wouldn't lie or joke about that." She said honestly. Paul wrapped her in a hug, his mind still processing everything.

When they broke away from the hug, a huge smile broke out on his face. He let out several manly noises of excitement before kneeling in front of his girlfriend and kissing her stomach.

"Hi baby, you're gonna be so loved whenever you're born. No one will ever hurt you as long as we're around." He said in a gentle voice, possibly the most gentle one he'd ever used.

"I'm gonna be a father." Paul said happily, standing up to pull his imprint into a kiss. Lizzy hummed and kissed him back. "Yes, yes you are. Now our breakfast will burn if I don't pay attention to it, you know that right?" She asked playfully.

Paul chuckled and let her go back to making breakfast. He watched her with a loving smile as he watched his imprint and mother of his child, dance around the kitchen humming a song she heard on the radio.

She was perfect.

A/N- Not Paul almost falling down the stairs

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