Car Wash

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A/N- I thought it would be fun to add a little bit of human normalcy to their lives. I dunno what they'd really do, but it's Highschool students. It's in my opinion that if TVD could have the 'sexy suds' car wash, that this could have a variation.

Might be a short chapter, but I hope it's enjoyable nonetheless.

At the end of every year, the students at the Highschool in La Push have a huge fundraiser, which some of it lasts all weekend. It was now that time of year. Participants sign up at the beginning of the school year and must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher all year.
Volunteering for the fundraisers meant getting 30 service hours, of the 75 needed. That was a small detail, hardly anyone ever knew, and it was always the last weekend before prom. That is, if the weather was in the events favor.

Freshman were in charge of the bake sale, from 10 am to 3 pm.
Sophomore's were in charge of the raffles, from 10 am to 3 pm.
Junior's were in charge of the Car Wash, from 9 am to 5 pm.
Seniors were in charge of running the carnival smoothly, from 2 pm to 12 am on Saturday and from 12 pm to 9 pm Sunday.

Amongst the Junior's that signed up together, was Paul, Lizzy, Jared, and Embry. In their defense, they forgot about it completely, with turning into giant fluffy animals with sharp teeth.

So they were shocked when they were handed a slip of paper listing the requirements and restrictions for the car wash. The restriction list was short, since it wouldn't be during school hours.

Lizzy read over everything twice before looking up to her pack. "I'm still doing it. I don't need the extra hours, but I wanted to do it because I thought it would be fun." She said, folding the paper and sliding it in her pocket.

"The question is, are you idiots gonna join me?" She asked with a smirk. The 3 boys shared a look then nodded. "Gotta keep the guys away from my sister." Was Embry's responce. Jared pointed to him as if to say 'that's the reason'.

"Someone has to keep you from picking fights in front of the whole town." Paul said. Lizzy playfully glared at him and he laughed.


Lizzy was up at 7 am on Saturday, preparing for the day . She woke the guys up around 7:30, then went to get dressed. She wore a black bikini top, with a red flannel, denim shorts, and her beat up converse that she'd had since 6th grade.

"Lookin' good, Sunshine." Paul said tiredly as he shuffled into the kitchen. " I know." She hummed, taking a sip of her coffee. It was her 3rd cup and Emily was wondering how she was still standing. "Why do we need to be up so early?" Embry groaned from the couch.

"Car wash starts at 9, Ember. Plus Emily packed us snacks for the long day." Lizzy said. The word 'snacks' got Embry off the couch. 10 minutes later, Jared showed up and they were out the door.

Within 4 hours, they had easily made $900 from the population of Forks and La Push coming in. Lizzy even made some money of her own, since every young person with a penis insisted on flirting with her.
She held up a crisp $50 bill to Paul. "This is buying us dinner. You game for later?" He laughed and nodded his head. "Sounds good to me, Sunshine." She smiled brightly. "Perfect."

The remaining 5 hours went by in a breeze. The day was finally over. Lizzy and Paul briefly met Kim before Jared dragged her off to the carnival.
The couple ate dinner at the diner they had their first date at, just a few months prior.

They got back to the house around 9 and got attacked by Anthony upon their entrance.

For day 2 of the carnival, the whole pack went out along with Emily and Anthony. Leah wanted to act like she wasn't having a good time, but Lizzy caught her laughing every once in a while. Seth was just happy to be there.


A/N- There's not much of them talking in this chapter, but that's okay, it's kinda like a filler chapter. As you can probably tell, I'm adding some of the plot, but in my words, to give a general idea of where the story is/is heading.

I've decided the story won't be finished at the end of Breaking Dawn, like most other Fanfics would be, since Lizzy's and Paul's story won't be over yet. I got big plans for that :)


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