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It'd been a month since Billy told Lizzy of the Legend. In that month, she's discovered several other powers she held. Illusions quickly became her favorite, along with summoning/creating random things, whether it be a knife/dagger or food from the kitchen. She felt like an Avenger, from the comic books.

Paul thought it was the coolest thing ever, that his girlfriend had all that power. Anthony loved it too. In that month, he became a part of the pack. The vampire had killed his parents in Forks, he had no family left. So Billy adopted him, so the pack could always protect him.
He'd noticed the way the child practically clung to the pack and didn't want the boy to lose that safe feeling he had. One would think a 6 year old would be terrified of huge wolves, but he just stared at them in awe.

Harry sadly passed away from a heart attack, which the redheaded leech caused. A few miles away, Bella dived off the cliff and into the dangerous waters. Jacob went to save her while Lizzy told him to let her go. He didn't like that.
Seth and Leah then phased and Lizzy had to pass Anthony off to Emily, who gladly took him so she could go help the newly phased Clearwater's. Quil also shifted soon after, which made Lizzy, Jake, and Embry feel less guilty for leaving their friend behind.

The Cullen's also came back, which pissed everyone off to no end. The only bright side is, Carlisle gave Lizzy and Paul the green light to cross over the treaty line any time they need to, and his children can't stop them.

The last bell of the day rang, Lizzy and Paul went out to his truck and started towards Forks. It was a good 30 minutes or so between their Highschool and Forks Elementary School.
On the way they argued over who's night it was to help Anthony with homework. Once they thought about it, it was actually Jared and Embry's night since everyone else had patrol or in Lizzy's case, power training with Sam. Emily was almost always there to keep the guys in check.

As the old truck pulled into the schools parking lot, the students started coming out of the school. Lizzy was the one to get out of the truck today, to get Anthony by the bench.
"Hey buddy!" She greeted with a smile. He grinned and attacked her legs with a hug. "Hi Izzy." He released her legs and grabbed her hand.

"How was your day at school?" She asked as she led him back to the truck. "Good! We finished the very hungry caterpillar!" He said happily. "Thats great, hun. You can tell Paul and I all about it on the way home."

And he did. Anthony sat between them and talked about this whole day the entire way back to the house.

"Come on, Lizzy! You've gotta push yourself!" Sam said from the back porch. "What do you think I've been doing for the last 3 hours!?" She asked frustrated. She'd been doing this since after dinner.

Sam raised his eyebrows and she growled. "Come on, Avatar!" Jared yelled out the back door before closing it again.

Lizzy huffed and slammed her foot to the ground. A large rock flew up, in one swift motion, it broke into several smaller rocks.
Fire shot out of her hand, lighting a small patch of dead grass on fire.
Water came next, extinguishing the miniature blaze. Wind carried leaves to the burnt spot, hiding it from view. She doused the area with water again, just to be safe.

"I thought that would be more exciting." Jared said coming out of the house with Anthony and Embry behind him. Lizzy summoned a rope, tripping Jared, and vanishing it before he could see it.

Sam, Embry, and herself laughed while Anthony made his way to her. "Izzy I'm sleepy." He said rubbing his eyes.
"Okay, you need to take a bath before you go to bed. But then I promise you can go to bed, alright buddy?"

"Okay" he yawned. She smiled warmly and scooped him into her warm arms. She took him upstairs and washed his top half, having him do the other half. Lizzy helped him into his pj's and put him to bed, leaving him with a kiss on the forehead.

She then proceeded to use the downstairs shower. She knew the upstairs one would wake Anthony up, since it was between their rooms.
When Lizzy exited the bathroom, she walked into the kitchen to see Paul leaning on the counter, eating cookies and waiting for her.

He smiled when he saw her. "Hey Sunshine." He greeted her with a kiss. "Well hello there" she laughed and sat on the counter, taking a chocolate chip cookie from the tin. He stood between her legs, with his hands on her bare thighs.

Lizzy noticed that Paul seemed deep in thought. "Penny for your thoughts?" She took a bite of the cookie, almost moaning at the taste. The chocolate chips were still warm and gooey.
"I was just thinking about how you'd make an amazing mother one day... The way you act around Anthony, I just know you'd be the same with our kids." Paul stared at his imprint with nothing but love in his eyes.

She hummed. "One day you'll be one hell of a father, Paul Lahote." She grinned. "We have time, but I'm gonna be the father I never had. And one day, I'll have the pleasure of making you Mrs. Lahote." Paul's dad had raised him for the most part, however he worked alot.

"Maybe." She laughed at the faux serious look he gave her. "One day." Lizzy agreed, staring into those brown eyes she fell in love with.

A/N- I love Lizzy and Paul.

And men talking about their future with their s/o... OML YES.

I hope this chapter was acceptable!


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