Chapter 25: Another Party, Another Suitor

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Maira's POV:

I open my wardrobe to pick out something to wear.

Something that isn't my boring formals. Formal but not-so-formal kinda dress is what I am supposed to wear.

Not my words but the directions given to me by my family members. I am confused as heck so as to what I should wear that classifies as formal yet not so formal. Arghhh! Talk about contradictions. I am raking my wardrobe for something to wear but getting frustrated I shut the wardrobe door loudly. Letting out a loud exhausted sigh I turn around to go seek some help.

"Freak!!" I jumped out letting a loud shriek. I place a hand on my now loudly beating heart.

"Shreeks Anaya! Are you out of your mind? I almost had a heart attack."

"Good thing then we have a cardiologist at hand. We wouldn't even have to pay."

"Doesn't mean you'll put me in a hospital. It's like saying, just because I am a lawyer, you can go around murdering people."

I take a seat at the foot of my bed before turning to look at the person who almost gave me a heart attack.

"Have you ever heard of knocking before entering?"

"Umm... For you, nahhh."

"What do you want?"

"I wasn't even interested in coming here. Okay? I was forced to be here. Wear this for the party. Byeeeeee." I look at the bag she was holding that I didn't notice earlier.

I see Anaya turning around to leave but not before saying something along the lines of "I don't know how these peeps will function without me seeing everyone needs my help."

Drama queen.

I decide to get ready for the party since it's almost time and I know soon enough I would have to go downstairs. I move inside the washroom to take a long calming shower. I am feeling jittery and the reason for the same is unknown to me. Maybe because of this sudden party in my honor, something that hasn't happened for ever. Or maybe the bomb of another prospective groom or rejection. I have a weird feeling... But the problem is I don't know if this weird feeling is good or bad or both.

Discarding these thoughts I decide to enjoy my me-time in the shower, getting ready to face the world. I step out and wrap myself in a fluff towel and proceed outside to see what clown am I gonna become today. I blow dry my dripping dog-like wet hair before going towards my bed to pick up the bag which encompasses my dress.

I pull the zipper down only to see a pretty ombre grey skirt becoming light as it goes down along with what seems like a black crop top. The dress no doubt is very pretty. Sighing I decided to get dressed.

I put on some gloss and kohl, wear the crop top and pair a layered white pearl necklace to go along, leaving the skirt until the last moment to slide on as I was afraid I might get it wrinkled before the party itself.

Once I am all ready, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. The grey skirt no doubt suits me and does pretty good job at hiding my insecurities a bit. The color reminds me of the grey gown that I wore to the last party I visited and my mind cannot help but drift back to the person who had been kind enough to get me that dress.

I remembered how he wanted to make me feel comfortable while we were dancing and the incidents thereafter might not be cheerful for me but I remember enjoying myself. I am compelled to think if we could have had a future together if he had agreed to the proposal. Before I could go in deep with my spiralling thoughts, a loud knock brought me out of my trance.

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