Chapter 41: First Fight

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Maira's POV:

Well, I always knew marriage wasn't going to be easy and there will be times when I'll have to do things, I wouldn't want to. I remember Jai's bua taunting me here and there and insinuating how her daughter-in-law is not only prettier but also more hardworking than me. I could have easily shut her up but I knew my in-laws wouldn't appreciate it and then they will be taunted for their choice and so, I decided to keep mum and ignore her to the best of my abilities. After breakfast, I decided that I will not go to office today since, I am still on leave technically. So, I called Rishi and told him to come and pick me from the palace itself or else Jai's bua will get another thing to taunt me, how my brother couldn't even come to pick me up from my in-laws.

Jai and I were in his room, he was getting ready for office while I was looking at him, and admiring what a handsome husband I got. I mean, bua(maternal aunt) was right only, I am lucky to get someone as Jai while he has nothing to feel lucky about in regards to me.

"Staring is bad." Jai comments when he notices my gaze from the mirror he was standing before.

"But I wasn't staring, I was checking out. There's a difference."

"Oohhhh, I am so handsome that my wife is checking me out. I am honoured." He exclaims clearly please by my answer.

"I am not blind Jai. I know you are handsome and I am lucky-"

"Stop right there, Maira." He turns around and find my eyes before coming forward to the edge of bed where I am sitting, and kneels down in front of me.

"Maira, you don't know how lucky I feel that you are here with me. I don't care what anyone else thinks about you, about us, or this relationship, all I know is that I am glad that I have you as my wife and there is nothing I would want to change about you."

"Would you have said the same if I told off your bua for what she said about me?" I ask him the question bothering me.

"Yes, because I know that she was wrong and though she is my bua, I would never ask you to listen to anyone's bullshit. I couldn't take a stand for you then and I am sorry for that but I would have not and would never stop you from taking stand for yourself." The sincerity in his eyes making my heart skip.

"Jai, I don't blame you for not taking a stand for me." I say softly. My phone rings breaking our eyelock and I divert my eyes to see it's Rishi calling.

"Yes, Rishi."

"Maira, it will take me sometime to reach the palace. I hope that's okay."

"Yes, yes, no problem."

"Cool, I will see you soon." I disconnect the call and look at Jai, standing in front of me now.

"What was he saying?"

"It will take him sometime to reach here."


"Oh, yeah. Actually, I am not going to office today, so I asked him to pick me up from here only."

"Is it because of what bua said to you?"

"No, no." I say hurriedly. I hear him take in a deep breath before he tilts my head up to look into my eyes.

"Maira, you need to trust me and tell me if anyone in my family says anything to you that is wrong."

" But I don't want to be a whiner and I-"

"Maira, why don't you trust me?"

"It's not like that."

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