Chapter 29: Tricks and Treats

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Maira's POV:

I went back to work and drowned myself in it, so much so that I didn't realise that someone was in my cabin until they cleared their throat.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, it's 6 and I was going to your place and the office was on my way so I thought I will pick you up and we can go together."

"Jai, my car and driver are downstairs waiting for me. You did not have to come all the opposite way just to pick me up."

"Well, I told you that your office was on my way."

"Oh really, I thought you said you are going to the south of Jaipur but no you went nearby. Why did you lie to me Jai? I thought today only we said that trust is the basis of a relation and you lied to me today only." I raise my eyes at him.

"I didn't tell you where I was going."

"No, you did not but I heard you talking to someone on the phone."

"I am sure I didn't say South Jaipur."

"So, now you are saying I am lying." I am so close to yelling at this point.

"But Maira I did not go to South Jaipur, I went to JW Marriott for my meeting and I would not have said that I am going to South Jaipur. I would never lie to you. I am pretty sure you are mistaken." He said in a hurry not realising he himself let his lie out.

"Ahh...So I was right, you did come this side to pick me up because JW Marriott is at the opposite side of the city." I was smiling and I can the confusion going around Jai's mind and it takes him a minute to wrap his mind around everything that happened in these few minutes.

"You tricked me." Ahhh! Sudden realisation hits hard.

"Not the point here."

"Is it wrong that I wanted to pick up my fiancee?" He gave me a fake sad look.

"No, but you could have just told the truth and not have me burst your lie like this." I give him a wink and laugh before packing my stuff to leave for the day.

The office was already empty and I can see how the sun has already set. I move out of my cabin and together we make our way down to the parking lot.

"I already asked the driver to leave. Well, technically I asked Rishi to tell your driver to leave."

"But why Rishi?"

"Well, I couldn't have called your dad because I don't think he'll appreciate it and I didn't have anyone else's number from your family." I saw Jai uncomfortable when he mentioned my dad, now you can't expect me to not have fun on that expanse.

"Are you scared of my dad?" I wiggle my eyebrows with a smirk seeing him squirm at his place.

"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are."






"See you agreed."

"You again tricked me."

"But you agreed. That is what matters."

"Is this how you win tricking others?"

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