Chapter 2: Who is she?

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Jai's POV:

"You are fired, Vinay. Just get the hell out of here." I sat down on my chair trying to calm myself and trying to find the solution of the problem at hand.

"Come in." I said hearing a knock. I look up to see none other than my dad standing there. Giving him a small smile, I asked him to sit. "You seem to be having a pretty bad day I would say." He remarked. "Ohh tell me about it. We might have lost a  big project due to our employees negligence and now we need to figure out a way to cope up with the loss." I said going through some papers.

"You do know its not that big of a deal, both profit and loss are bag and baggage of business and in fact this deal was not even that important. Are you sure your mood had nothing to do with our discussion last night?" He said giving me a knowing look.

"Ugh!! Why do you have to bring that up now, I am trying to focus on work and no this is not the time to talk about that."

"You are not working you are trying to drown yourself and your emotions in this pile of work and it is clearly not working and I would suggest to not let your emotions get the best of you, wouldn't want the future CEO firing people left and right, now would we?" he gave small smirk and started leaving the office but not before dropping a bomb.

"We are going to meet my friend and lawyer, Advocate Vijay Singh tomorrow, regarding our discussion yesterday and to get better legal representation now that you are thinking of taking this business to new heights. Also, Vinay is not fired. Get a hold on your emotions."

I drowned myself in work again trying to forget all the other problems for the time being. Soon, the day came to an end, but I was not ready to leave so I stayed in late.

At around eleven I reached home. Making my way to kitchen, I loosened my tied and bent down to see what is there in refrigerator that can help me with my hunger. Next second the lights of the kitchen were switched on and I turn around to see none other than my mother standing there. "Didn't mean to wake you up." "Sit down I will reheat the food for you." After having my food and a long lecture for working late I made my way to my room, changed into some comfortable clothes, and lied down with various things going through my head.


I woke up hearing the alarm. Getting out of the bed I did my morning routine and started getting ready for the day as we had to go to meet the lawyer. I went downstairs to meet dad so that we can discuss some important documents.

We had to fly out to meet the lawyer. Soon we reached the lawyer's office and made our way to the elevator to reach the office. The gates opened and I exited the elevator with dad walking beside me.

Soon I felt all eyes in our direction or more specifically my direction. I never liked being the center of attraction, but I tend to get it a lot and over the years I have learnt the art of ignoring these stares. Reaching the reception, we told about our appointment and soon we were being led to the meeting room.

On the way my eyes fell on a girl drowned in work unfazed by the buzz going around, sitting in the glass cabin. I wanted to look longer trying to figure this girl out. Who is she? Something about her was too intriguing but soon I was brought back to my senses as we were asked by the receptionist to wait, "Mr. Singh will be here in a few minutes." She left the room but not before passing me a flirtatious look that did not go unnoticed by my father and earned a slight chuckle and teasing glance in my direction.

We took our seats with our backs facing the door. Soon an elderly person around the same age as my father came and dad stood up to greet him. I got up and touched his feet and then sat at my seat again.

Vijay Uncle, as he insists I call him, took the seat opposite to ours and both my dad and he started talking about their lives and families like long lost friends. I was lost in my thoughts of the girl I saw few minutes back.

"So, Vijay I firstly need to discuss some important personal matter with you which is the main reason that I am here." My fathers voice brought me out of my la-la land.

"As you know that Jai is all ready to take on the responsibility of the business and I am looking forward to my retirement life." Dad said laughing. "And although for past few years Jai has been the one to handle the business, time has come to now make him officially the owner of the Royal Regal Company. But you already know all this. The main problem here is this will that I brought with myself. This is my father's will and according to this Jai has to get married before he takes over the company and he has to take over the family business at his twenty-ninth birthday which is few months from now and if not all his inheritance will go to his cousin, Yash. Jai here has big plans in his language and does not want to get married so soon. So please go through this contract and lemme know if there is anything we can do about this."

"Okay, let me see what we have here and if there is anything we can do. Well, why don't you ask your father to make a new will?" Vijay Uncle said that he will go through the will and will let us know by tomorrow morning. "You know how he is. He is hell bent to get Jay married. Also, Vijay I do not want this discussion to go out of this room." Dad remarked, followed by Vijay Uncles assuring eyes and a nod. Vijay Uncle started asking us few questions about our work and telling us about another advocate who would soon join us for the professional discussion.

We were in middle of the discussion when someone opened the door. Looking up Vijay Sir asked the intruder to come in and we came to know she was the advocate who would be looking after our case particularly under uncle's guidance. He gave our introduction and I looked up only to be rendered speechless by the person standing in front of me. She is the same woman, apparently named Maira, I saw earlier and here she is standing in her profession attire, dark blue pants and a tucked in white shirt with blue blazer and her hair was tied in a high ponytail. She had chubby cheeks, cute button nose, and her black thick glasses hiding her brown eyes. "Good Afternoon, your Majesty", her voice brought me back in time to respond to her soft good afternoon addressed to me as I was caught staring.

Maira took her seat beside Vijay Uncle and started taking notes. I just wanted to keep looking at her and... that is what I did throughout the meeting. Thankfully, without being caught. The way she was working earlier and taking notes right now showed her seriousness towards her work. I was intrigued by her and so even while speaking, my eyes were focused only on her unaware of everything else. Soon the meeting came to an end and we stood up to leave. After bidding our goodbyes dad caressed Maira's head and I knew she had made a really good impression on him and she turned to shake hands with me. As soon as my hands touched hers, I felt something strange but chose to ignore it. Soon we were making our way back to home and all the way I was lost in Maira's dark brown eyes and her chubby cheeks.

Who is she???


The entire day after the meeting until next morning was blur to me as I was lost in thoughts of a certain woman who had me intrigued. Dad entered my cabin and informed me that Vijay Uncle had called. This had my ears perked up.

"Well, Vijay called and he said that he could not find any loopholes and he tried everything that can be done to nullify the will, but nothing can be done. Also you know your grandfather he wants what he wants." "Dad dont you look so sad by this news!" I exclaimed sarcastically looking at the smile waiting to burst on his face. He showed his pearly white teeth making me groan loudly "Well, what can I say I am happy that my son is getting married soon and now we have to find a girl for you. Oh God I am so excited!!!"

After his excitement calmed down a little bit, he told me that I need to get married in next few months at any cost and it is better that I wrap my head around this. Taking an early leave, we reached home only to have my entire family waiting for us which were basically my grandmother, my mother, my younger sister Dia and a troupe of servants who are a part of our family. By the looks on their faces I could tell that they already know the news.

"I am going to my room and we will discuss this tomorrow please. I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I asked Ramu Kaka (Old servant), who is like a fatherly figure to me, to get my food in my room only. I came upstairs to my room and started thinking about how my life would be changing real soon.


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