Chapter 4: Clumsiness and Cuteness Together is a Killer

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Jay's POV:
"Dad, I am leaving for airport.....will probably reach home by noon." -Jay
Texting dad I sat in the car making my way to the airport. I am still thinking about Maira and the last encounter we had, not that we interacted much but I am looking forward to meeting her again.

Maira....she might not be skinny or fit in society's beauty standard but when I saw her for the first time I was lost in her brown eyes, her long tied up hair, her dedication towards her work, the professional behaviour, her outfit making her look just amazing and more intimidating and intriguing.

I just wanted to keep looking at her. I want to talk to her and get to know her. Thankfully no one can hear this thoughts of mine or else they would have been weirdest out by this. A part of me is really excited to meet her again and can't wait for that. This is something new to me. Maybe her indifference towards me is what attracts me. Maybe.....

Soon we reached the runway where the private jet was supposed to land and I saw that the plane has already landed. I got out of my car to approach Vijay uncle whom I could see standing at a distance.

My eyes were looking for a pair of brown eyes. I moved forward only to see her stepping down and before I could react she slipped and fell. Guys, I know you wanted me to go and catch her in my arms and look deep into her eyes but in real life that's not really possible especially when you are lost in observing that person. Thankfully, it was only a stair or two. I wanted to go help her but I didn't want to embarrass her so decided to interrupt when she got back on her feet. She seemed happy and satisfied finding no one around. Damn me!! If she doesn't look cute while brushing off her clothes and quietly mumbling. I can make out the redness in her palms due to the impact and I wanna help her but.....

She just missed me as I hid myself behind plane just in time. Seeing her reaction when she realised she had a viewer, wasn't really flattereing. She gave me a sweet fake smile and sarcastic reply just made me wanna laugh out and pull her cheeks but controlled myself.

We were about to get seated in the car when I checked her out top to bottom and she looked so cute and at the same time professional in those black pants and a black peplum top(Maira's dress attached above). I saw a Louis Vuitton handbag and Gucci shades and was surprised as I didn't expect those. I wanted to keep on staring at her but not wanting to come off as a creep, I limited myself to making small conversations with Vijay uncle whole she kept on avoiding me after I witnessed her little embarrassing moment.

Soon we reached tha palace and I got down from the car. Maira was busy looking at the palace when I heard her calling it beautiful. I was so happy that she liked it so I commented casually "I know right!!" And this resulted in another casuality of her broken frames leaving her flustered.

She kept a straight face, making it hard to see through her, and holding her head high, waited for me to lead the way. She's cute!!. Controlling my urge to say awww which was almost at the tip of my tongue, I kept on walking all the while thinking how her clumsiness and cuteness together is a killer combination.

I moved forward to take uncle and Maira inside the house to introduce them to my family although uncle's know everyone but let's just say I am low-key excited for Maira to meet everyone and show her around but I do not really know why.

Maybe you like her. Shut up conscience it's not like that, I want to be a great host and that's the only reason. And maybe.... just maybe a part of me is intrigued by her. That's it yeah. And it will all be over once I talk to her and see she is no different than other girls that I've met and show her around like I would to any guest. Yeah Right!! Do you mind shutting up now, Mr. Conscience?!

______________Sorry for keeping this short

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Sorry for keeping this short. This is just kind of Jay POV on when he saw Maira again.
Also, I might not be able to post regularly as I have my mid sems going on and revisions to these chapters will be made later on so kindly ignore the errors and please bear with me.

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