(30) Coffee 🔆🔆

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We sit on the table having our dinner. It's the 1st time Taehyung is also having dinner with us. Mommy made special dishes just for me. She knows how much I love her dishes. But I can't even eat peacefully as a thief sitting beside me, and whenever Mommy is on my plate he picks it up instantly, shoving it into his mouth.

 But I can't even  eat peacefully as a thief sitting beside me, and whenever Mommy is on my plate he picks it up instantly, shoving it into his mouth

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" Woah Mommy, this is heaven. mmm wah so delicious mmm" He munches and praises Mommy

" Well if it tastes that much good, then why don't you eat from your own plate?? Why're you snitching from my plate??"

" Well that's what makes food the ultimate heaven. Yaah Mommy give Areum more. She's hungry. Look at her face. She must be starving Awww!!!" I thin my lips out of anger. Mommy again serves me food when he's about to take it but I get fast and take the leg piece from his plate, which he's keeping for later.

" Yaah Areum. Don't you have manners?? You're 22 for lord sake. When will you learn manners, gosh."

" Mmmmm Mommy it's best. It's the ultimate heaven wah" I mock Jungkook and everyone starts laughing when he just looks at me angrily.


I boil some water to make coffee for our kinda coffee date. I don't know why I'm smiling a lot. I've never felt this type of overwhelming feeling before. My hyungs always try to make me happy, and they've never failed. But today is something else. I look at the hallroom where all of the boys are playing UNO, and I'm helping Mommy to clean things, and then come to make coffee.

" Someone can't stop smiling, I see." Mommy says in a mocking tone

" It's my birthday. Of course I'm happy. Also you did so many things for me."

" Is this smile really for us or someone else who is being a good boy there?" Mommy looks at the hallroom and points at Taehyung.

" Is this smile really for us or someone else who is being a good boy there?" Mommy looks at the hallroom and points at Taehyung

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" As if only he makes me happy?" I chuckle a little when she comes to me

" We do but not like this. The glow you've on your face today. Nobody from us can ever bring it. You're glowing differently today baby." She holds my cheeks and kisses on my forehead." May lord keep you happy like this forever baby. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I don't want to see tears in your eyes anymore. I don't know about him. I don't even care about it. If he makes you happy then he already has my blessing." I hold her hands and smile a little. I finish making the coffee and take two mugs of it, and leave the kitchen.

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now