Chapter 1

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  A pine tree was all that Patroclus saw when he opened his eyes. The sun shone down on him, his body exposed only wearing a dirty chiton. He sat up, dizziness flowing through him in waves. He held his hand to his forehead and closed his eyes; memories from what felt like minutes ago surfaced. He and Achilles were in Elysium, they had been for a while now. There, time hardly mattered. His eyes snapped open Achilles. He sat up quickly, frantically looking around. Dizziness washed over him as he stood. Stumbling, he grabbed the trunk of the pine tree.

When he finally balanced himself he looked forward to the endless fields of grass. He balled his fist at his side. Why couldn't everyone just leave him and Achilles alone? A sharp crack sounded behind him. Patroclus froze. Before he could even think about what to do, tight arms wrapped around him. The smell of earth and almonds invaded his nose and he smiled. He turned around, Achilles' head falling into the gap between his head and his shoulder.

"Achilles" he breathed out. Achilles had finally let go of him, their eyes meeting.

"Patroclus" he responded, wisps of his golden hair blowing softly in the wind." My Patroclus" he whispered.

Patroclus cupped Achilles's face in his hands softly "where are we?" The sun glowed on both of them and the wind stilled.

" I- I do not know," Achilles said, taking his eyes off Patroclus and surveying the area. "We were just in Elysium," Achilles finished.

Patroclus knew. He remembered Elysium clear, it was quiet there. Achilles and he were free. Free from the memories that once plagued their minds, free from reckless men there foolish decisions to achieve arete. They were free, and they were happy.

Achilles looked at Patroclus, concerned laced his features.

"Are you okay Patroclus?" He asked while grabbing his hand.

Patroclus looked at him, "I am okay."

Achilles only held on to his hand tighter as they started to walk forward.


They did not get far. Only about 10 feet to be exact. As they began to walk forward, towards the grassy fields, Patroclus had not been able to follow Achilles. Achilles, feeling Patroclus' hand leave him, turned around so fast Patroclus hadn't even gotten time to get up.

Achilles helped him up, and he was met face to face with some sort of invisible wall.

"It must be the work of the Gods" Achilles murmured, his green eyes flashing.

Patroclus put his hand on Achilles' shoulder gently. He was not afraid of the wrath of the gods anymore.

"Probably" Patroclus agreed "but why is it that you can enter and I cannot? Are the gods troubled by us?

"They are always troubled" was all Achilles replied.

They looked at each other "we should- "was all Patroclus got out before yells pierced the air.

In the distance what looked like children were sprinting towards them, their feet thumping on the hard ground, not even in unison. Achilles slid his arm in front of Patroclus, ready to fight. Patroclus, who was quite capable of fighting himself, just grabbed Achilles's hand.

"All will be well, '' he whispered. Achilles' grip on his hand tightened.

"Let us hope" was all he responded.


When the children finally met Achilles and Patroclus on one side and them on the other, no one spoke. The children were dressed in greek styled armor which highly confused Patroclus. Where had they gotten that? was all he thought and he was sure Achilles was thinking the same thing as well. After what could have been 1 hour did a person start to talk.

The Sun Will Guide Us HomeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon