Chapter 7

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Within minutes of Apollo's departure, Achilles awoke. When his head shot up from the pillow he looked dazed and frantic.  After locking eyes with Patroulcs, who had indeed awakened, he smiled and leaped out of bed.
He walked up to him, light hitting his golden hair.
"Achilles," Patroclus whispered.
Achilles walked over to the bed "Patroclus" he said. Achilles creased his cheek softly "you're okay."
Patroclus smiled "I'm okay"
"I- I thought you would not wake up. I'm so sorry Patroclus"
"It wasn't your fault Achilles," Patroclus said softly, holding his hand to his own cheek.
"I could have been there to protect you."
Patroclus laughed quietly, his voice cracking and his stomach clenching in pain. "It wasn't Artemis' love. You could not have saved me." he paused "How are you?"
This time it was Achilles who laughed, his voice smooth and light "it is not who gotten hurt"
Patroucls just shrugged "okay, just making sure."
And with that, Patroclus moved over on the bed. Allowing Achilles to lay on the bed too. He gently pushed himself onto the bed, laying down face to face with Patroclus.
"Do you hurt?" Achilles asked, his eyes filled with worry.
"Apollo helped the pain a lot, but I can handle it."
Achilles just kissed his forehead.
"We are to see Zeus when you are healed. I'm told Artemis will not be attending"
Achilles just sat there, processing the fact that in less than a day, they would be seeing the king of gods. Now Achilles was not scared, nor sad, nor upset. He just really didn't care what the gods thought of him. He quit caring long ago, and he did not care to go back to worshiping there every move. Both Achilles and Patroclus have just had enough with their games.
Patroclus just sighed and stared up at the ceiling.
"Go to sleep and when you wake we shall leave" Achilles whispered. "You need your sleep"
Patroclus nodded wearily and closed his eyes.


When Patroclus woke up once again, he was surprised to find many voices talking around him. His head rose cautiously only to be met with Leo's grinning face.
"Time to go"
Patroclus sat up staring at Leo. He found Achilles' blurry face behind him.
"Yay" he said sarcastically "I'm so excited."
Leo, not taking the hint, just nodded his head vigorously.
"The rest of us are outside ready to go to the Empire State Building, come on!"
"The Empire what?"
Leo looked annoyed "the Empire State Building. Now let's go, I'm sure Annabeth would happily explain it"
Patroclus just nodded as he slowly got off the bed, reaching for Achilles hand.
As their hands met, they both walked through the door, Leo and 2 other campers trailing behind them.
Once they got outside the 2 campers walked away and Patroclus, Achilles, and Leo went to meet the rest of the group.
There standing in a cluster were Annabeth, Percy, Nico, and Will.
"Ready to go guys"  Percy asked.
Achilles sighed and looked at Patroclus "I guess."
Patroclus nodded, agreeing.
"Let's get going then" Annabeth responded.


When they got to the van Achilles, as well as Patroclus, was shocked.
"What is that thing? Achilles asked, astonished.
Percy looked confused "it's a van... get in."
Achilles did not move.
Apollo spoke up "it's a car that mortals use. It's like a... chariot but better. And honestly safer, you definitely will not be falling out of this one."
Achilles did not look reassured and he definitely didn't fully trust Apollo yet, but nonetheless he grabbed Patroclus's hand and pulled himself up into the van.
They sat in the corner across from Percy and Annabeth. Apollo had decided to drive.
"What's the Empire State Building?" Patroclus blurted.
Annabeth looked appalled before remembering that Patroclus had no prior knowledge of this time.
"That's we're the gods are" she paused "they live at the top"
"Oh okay, thanks" was all he said.
When the group reached the Empire State Building, Leo and Will threw open the back door.
" let's do this"
The large group walked through the doors, and to the receptionist.
"The key to the 600th floor please" Annabeth said as she stuck out her hand.
The receptionist looked up "the what"
"The key please"
"No can do kid" he leaned his head to see if Annabeth shoulder "kids"
Annabeth rolled her eyes and looked at Apollo, and he just shrugged, not being able to interfere as Lester.
"Listen dude" said Leo striding up to the desk, " we have an urgent meeting we must attend... now.
The receptionist raised an unimpressed eyebrow "and who would that be exactly?" He questioned.
He sighed " let me guess... Percy Jackson and friends"
The receptionist pulled out a card and handed it to Annabeth "just make sure there's no mortals in there or anything" he then went looking back at his paper.
The group walked towards the elevator and while that was happening Achilles and Patroclus looked around with wide eyes.
Once the doors closed Patroclus had millions of questions of what was about to happen and what he had just seen.
"You guys ready for this"asked Will looking at Patroclus and leaning into Nico.
"Well there's no turning back now in this metal box. So I guess I am.
And with that the doors dinged open.

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