Chapter 8

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The doors in fact opened to reveal a large...regular apartment floor.
"Sorry about that guys," Leo laughed awkwardly, "wrong floor."
Apollo and Percy snickered as the doors closed and Leo actually took them to the 600th floor.
While this was happening Patroclus wanted to get off the elevator for exactly two reasons. One being the fact he had absolutely no idea on what was happening, and two, he thought the music playing in the background was horrendous.
He thought Achilles was thinking the same thing because when he looked over at him only to find the golden haired man's face annoyed.
When the door opened this time, the group of children were met with a bright scene.
"Let's go then" Apollo said, pushing his way through them.
After everyone piled out of the elevator, they had to stop for a second. Patroclus and Achilles were looking around in amazement. Patroclus more than Achilles because after a second, he just started to look pissed.
"It's beautiful" was all Patroclus said.
Which, he was indeed right, it was beautiful. The trees and agriculture seemed to be a beautiful green color and the architecture was simply amazing. Although it was home to the gods, which Patroclus was not very fond of, he felt as if he could stay there forever.
They walked through the streets, Apollo disappearing half way.  Ahead the group could see the tall gates only about 20 feet away.
Both Achilles and Patroclus looked around just simply astonished that they were there.
The demigods though, we're a different story. They looked bored. Percy was flipping his pen around. Annabeth, although stern and ready, had a certain tiredness laced into her features.
And for a second, before they were to face the gods, Patroclus had time to think.
He had, of course, felt bad for the children subjected to the gods, but he and Achilles both knew pity would not get them anywhere. So instead he just marveled the strength and bravery they had.
Patroclus then looked towards Achilles, his face still mad, but slightly less so.
"Are you okay, love?" He had asked, frowning.
Achilles looked at him "I guess"
"You seem upset... and rightfully so"
" It's just frustrating seeing the gods live so peacefully when we are suffering."
Patroclus laughed dryly "that's just how it's always been. The sad truth"
Achilles just nodded. 
He also had grabbed Patroclus' hand once the door we're about 5 feet away.
Nico and Will were whispering to each other I'm hushed voices.
"You guys ready?" Annabeth said.
The group only sighed and nodded.

The gods sat on their thrones with confidence. Or only a few of them anyway. Apollo was throwing scrolls at Hermès, who was yelling at Athena.
Ares was yelling at Hephaestus over Aphrodite, who was looking at herself in the mirror.
Percy made a noise with his mouth, that kind of sounded like a "uhm hum"
The gods looked up, some surprised, some not.
"Hi guys" Apollo waved cheerfully. Zeus shot him a glare and he quickly shut up.
"Hello demigods" he paused and looked towards Patroclus and Achilles "and mortals"
Patroclus nodded at him, but Achilles seemed to be frozen in shock.
Patroclus thought he would say something once the time came; but he couldn't. His mouth was seemingly glued shut as he looked at the all powerful gods.
Of course he had seen Apollo, but he looked like a mere mortal; and equal. But the gods were in their 15 feet tall form and Patroclus was not having any of it.
"Why are you here?" Zeus asked.
Athena rolled her eyes. "Father, you know exactly why they are here."
Zeus shrugged, not portraying any emotions.
"So your trying to get the mortals back to the underworld"
Percy nodded "yep" he said dragging the 'y.'
Achilles piped up "and why we're  even here."
Zeus nodded "I guess I could tell you, but I assure you it will come as a ... shock"
The group stood there, waiting.
"So it all started with the doors of death..."
This was not edited yet because I wanted to give you guys something so I wrote this. It's short cause I'm tried and want to go to bed (so I apologize for that)
I haven't been writing to much because the finale of Loki came out and ever sense then i have been sad. If you know what im talking about feel free to talk about it in the comments with me. And I also might be writing a lokius fic. If you don't know, then it's a Marvel TV show that absolutely destroyed me.
Yeah. So that's why i haven't been writing.
Also I have to go to school next month so I'm pretty sad about that. I'll try and update as soon as possible
Anything again I'm going to stop now, have a good day and thanks :)

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