Chapter 25: Rise like the Winds and Devour like the Water

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There was no way out of this peril. Even if he could perform the river of water. He could not control it. His entire body was pinned including his hands.

"Food! Food!" hissed the drooling Awrakk in the language of Rukk.

It leapt into the air and sent forth cutthroat thorns towards the two but a burst of wind exploded from Troy's hands, ripping him away from the vine and redirecting the thorns.

"What the?" bellowed Shark.

Troy immediately grabbed Shark by the upper arm. "Hold on to my hand tightly and don't let go. I am going to try something."

He had an idea as the Awrakk unleashed more thorns. He aimed his hand to the ground and propelled the two upwards with a burst of thickening breeze.

It was strong enough to break Shark free and deliver the two into a hut of a small tree. The two looked at the thorns and how they carved into the ground. That was supposed to be them, pinned and broken.

"That was close," said Shark in relief.

"It's not over yet. That thing is very much alive and angry," replied Troy. "Look."

The web was built between two trees, one of which they took refuge in.

"We are in more danger," said Troy when he noticed the horrified expression on Shark's face.

"Yeah, you're right. We are in more danger than ever," said Shark who was looking in the other direction.

Troy slowly swerved around. Did he really want to know what it was? Curiosity pushed him to look. It was the giant scorpion Shark was frightened of. It was staring at them directly with its bloodshot eyes.

It was ready to strike when something strange and wonderful happened. The scorpion cried out in pain while it slowly glided up and down in a frenzy.

"What's happening to it?" asked a clueless Troy.

Shark pointed to the source of its trouble. It was the cheetah man. He leapt off the scorpion's back, lofting his body into the air.

He placed his giant thunderbolt like claws above him and summoned ropes of lightning from the barricaded sky.

The scorpion, furious at the interruption it seemed, flew up to him, however when it reached the cheetah man, lightning soared down from the sky and electrocuted it, sending it crumbling to the ground like the trees it had persecuted.

Shark had forgotten all the danger they were in and was cheering the warrior on, disregarding the fact the cheetah like man might want to do the same to them.

"Go, go. Let it have a taste of its own medicine."

The scorpion was not their only problem. Troy returned focused to the Awrakk and her web. He noticed something off about the forest.

Where the scorpion attacked from looked like an Amazonian rainforest with autumn-coloured trees while where the spider dwelled looked like a desecrated lumber yard filled with fallen trees, a graveyard of sorts.

The Awrakk was heading up the web and towards them with speed.

"If there was one instant for us to try and utilized these new gifts of ours, then this moment is it because as I said I have no intention on being eaten by an ugly bug."

"Right! We can do this," replied Troy.

The two beckoned all the courage and strength they had within regardless of all the fear trying to overcome them in its blanketed hold.

They aimed their palms at the incoming Awrakk, hoping water and wind would emerge and save them, however, the giant spider hoisted her enormous self into another part of the web.

"It's up there now. Switch directions," said Troy.

They redirected their palm when an overwhelming surge of something unexplainable spread throughout their body.

It was happening again. Something they were never capable of doing and should not be possible for the human body was happening again.

This feeling was not the same as the first two times. It was different. The feeling of enlightenment, invincibility, and most of all hope was surrounding them with its warm and welcoming hold. It was giving them the help they desperately sought.

A flurry of wind spiralled down Troy's arm and converted into a pure white wind made phoenix with razor sharp pallid talons, silver-coloured feathers and a pair of keen bronze eyes.

It soared into the sky like the majestic bird it was.

Shark's river converted into a massive cobalt water made alligator with sharp ivory teeth, an elongated sapphire tail and white shaver claws.

"What did we just do?" said a stunned Shark.

"I think it's what we hoped for," replied Troy.

The two Rudimental Beastials commenced tearing apart the giant Awrakk while it clung to its web with no chance of escape or opportunity to fight back.

The Silver Phoenix severed its upper half with its extensive silver wings as it flew across it on the right.

The Cobalt Alligator leapt up to it, opened its mouth to reveal its razor like teeth, and crunched on its lower half.

"That's it. Stop it from harming anyone else," shouted Shark.

Before they could enjoy the feeling of freedom longer, tiredness and exhaustion began to engulf them like an anchor strapped to their shoulders. They nearly fell to their knees however they held each other up with their leaning bodies.

"I think they are draining us of our energy. I think they feed on our very life?" said a feeble Troy.

"I think. I think they are, but I'm too tired to ponder why," replied a drowsy Shark.

The two had not forgotten more problems awaited them on the other side. They looked back and witnessed the cheetah man spinning like a tornado made of electricity.

He had slit into the scorpion from one end to the other, sending it to its final resting place.

"We only have one more immediate problem to deal with," murmured Troy, his eyes on the warrior below.

Chi-taki was on the ground and looking up at them with his cat like eyes.

"Unfortunately, this problem doesn't look like it'll be easy to get rid of," alleged a fearful and tired Shark.

"We can't even use the wind phoenix and water alligator. They might lead to our death even faster," said a heavily breathing Troy.

He was fighting to stay conscious while his knees shivered, and his body begged for rest.

"What are we going to do? How are we possibly going to stop him?" said a hopeless Shark.

He looked over at the Rudimental creatures. The two were fading away, slowly, for somehow, some unexplainable way, he understood without his and Troy's offering the two could not sustain.

"Look at him. He looks so calm and cocky as if he has already won his prize," said Troy.

"What does he want from us?" asked a puzzled Shark. 

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