Chapter 38: Land of the Mist

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Apprentice Hall, an extraordinary place of talent and bravery, hovered gallantly above the four corners of the land.

Warriors were attending training at the various Houses for their special Rudiment, except the Wind, Water and Thunder Apprentices.

They were outside in the grasslands literally summoning up a heavy wind, torrential rain, thunder storm by combining their Rudiments together.

Each House Elder was teaching their fellow Apprentices how to harness the powers within and from what nature made available in a practice battle against each other.

The Thunder Warriors, dressed in their traditional black suit with their pallid triangular chest plate embedded with the thunderbull of Hyperiown were being taught by Arion.

He demonstrated the proper technique on how to grasp ropes of lightning from the storm.

The combination of the lightning with the Apprentices' auras formed a colourful show of yellow and blue lights which encircled each warrior in its warmth.

The Water Warriors were trying to increase the rain's pressure from the storm, making it look like waterfalls lunging down from the heavens on top of their opponents.

The Wind Warriors on the other hand, used their strength to heave the storm away to their adversaries with the aid of miniature tornados which leapt from the palm of their hands to the storm.

In the upper level of the House of Wind was a chamber dedicated to the ruling Hyod.

It was decorated with old antiques and had a roof resembling a dark night, covered with numerous clouds and a storm of flashing lightning and hammering thunder.

In the centre of the chamber were four comfortable divans fixed with cloud cushions in the formation of an arc.

On the longest divan lay an injured Onyx clutching his chest. He did not have enough strength to even scream from the pain coursing through his body like wildfire.

He was about to depart the land of the living when the silver picketed gates to the chamber burst opened and a large white tornado entered.

The winds disbursed and there stood the bold and heroic Hyod of Wind.

Onyx was in and out of consciousness from the tear, the gash, the rip in his chest. He struggled to look up. He could only see a silhouette of the Hyod every time the lightning struck.

The Hyod of Wind waltzed over to Onyx with speed and scrunched down to see the life leaving Onyx's face. His metallic flesh was rusting while his Humantian flesh was turning pale white.

The great Hyod said slowly to him in a strong hoarse voice, "Onyx, you are a brave warrior."

"I applaud you for heroically protecting the Rothom Archives from the terrible forces of Dark. You shall be recognized and rewarded for such fearlessness."

Onyx, was finally able to cry out from the pain. A roar like a lions burst from his windpipes, communicated from the gaping gash.

He clutched his chest harder and said in a trembling voice, "I was just undertaking my duty, my Lord. I should not be rewarded for such failure. Please just let me die with the little dignity I have left."

"Let you die?" said the calm Hyod, as if such a phenonium was unheard of. "My dear Onyx, I have no intensions of letting such a dreadful event happen."

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