Chapter 35: Panthora and General Chrome

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"Do you know any of the Ruincrucians names?" asked Troy.

"The only names I know of are General Chrome," replied Chi-taki his sight on them. "And Panthora."

"Panthora?" shouted Shark, slamming his fist on the table.

"Yes, she was one of them," replied Chi-taki.

Shark said while grinding his teeth, anger exuding off of him, "I hope the person who saved us, ended her reign, forever, for what she tried to do to us."

"So, her master, the one who desires us, is Omegon? But why?" asked a frightened and puzzled Troy.

"I do not know why," replied Chi-taki. "But if you encountered Panthora on Earth, then I fear he knows it exists and how to get there."

The two gasped. It was as if someone had just punched them in the stomach. It did not occur to them that a creature so vile and dark had access to their home. It was difficult news to digest.

It was like a constant bell ringing in their head and even if they were successful at stopping it, the echoes still remained to remind them of all the dread looming over Earth, from this man, this warrior, no this monster.

"Who is General Chrome?" asked Shark. He wanted to depart the dreaded topic of Omegon and his knowledge of their beloved Earth.

Chi-taki silently acknowledged Shark's plea and proceeded on. "Well, Panthora is or was the Earth Ruincrucian and I believe Chrome might be the Fire Ruincrucian."

"He has been terrorizing the communities around the Paladian Village. They say he is looking for something or someone," replied Chi-taki ominously.

"Something tells me, that thing or someone he's looking for, is us?" said Shark, drawing a horrible conclusion.

"It is a possibility, yes," replied Chi-taki. "Maybe Panthora was able to alert him to where she expected you to arrive on Axial."

"What does he look like? You know, just in case we meet him, like that nasty sister of his," asked Troy with contempt towards Panthora's title.

He needed a description of this brother of hers for surely, he would be after the same thing like his sister which was their capture.

Chi-taki replied with a disgruntle tone towards the name, "I fought Chrome in the Second Great War."

Shark and Troy were stunned but said nothing. Chi-taki only gave more reasons on why he should have been asked to this prestigious Othyrus Castle.

"He is tall and believes himself to be a knight so it is what he masters his appearance after. His wears white chrome armour. A distinctive claw gash mark is on his chest from a battle."

"He dons a cape of red and white. A white helmet conceals his face. It has a picketed mouth piece but what delivers fear to those in his presence, is his sinister red eyes."

"His helmet has two-ear piece with flames on it and on his waist are two thin slender shimmering silver swords, which he heaves into battle."

"On the left and right side of his chest are two fin-like weapons which soar pass his head and can be utilized as weapons."

"He sounds more like a Dark Warrior of Metal than Fire," muttered Shark.

"Yes, however he uses the Rudiment of Fire," replied Chi-taki.

"Is that what he used against you in the war?" asked Troy.

Chi-taki replied while holding his chin. "He never used any of the sorts, only that of his twin swords."

"Chrome is extremely strong and a villainous warrior at that too. He has no compassion or remorse for anyone. He murders innocent and defenceless warriors, Beastials, including his own."

Chi-taki paused and looked out at the view of the now purple waterfall again. He quickly gazed up at the sun and observed its wonderful rays.

He shrieked and drew the attention of the two who were puzzled about his cry.

"We have been chatting so long I forgot all about the time. I have to prepare the mid-day feast," replied Chi-taki.

The two thought it was a real emergency, not that food was not important, but it paled in comparison to what they were discussing.

"Now the two of you stay here while I go out to my garden and pick some fruits and vegetables."

Chi-taki grasped a large wooden basin and was about to open the door when Shark blocked his path.

"Please Chi-taki, let us help you. It's the least we can do for all you have done for us," said Shark.

"He's right. It's the only way we can repay you," said a smiling Troy.

"I cannot let the two of you do that," he replied.

"Please, let us," protested Shark.

Chi-taki gave in to Shark's plea and handed over the basin.

"My garden is right above my den. It's enclosed by an encircling bush and if you need my help, just holler and please be careful."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can handle some little old vegetables," replied a confident Shark.

The two reached the top of the den which was covered in dirt and grass. If they had not been within, they would not know a small house was concealed underneath. It was a perfect safe haven.

They looked around and quickly saw the encircling green bush which hid the secret garden. As they walked towards it, Troy witnessed two large oak trees about to stand up straight as if they had just awoken from their slumber.

A smaller oak tree waved its limbs at him to say hello, he was sure of it. Not wanting to be rude he waved back.

Chi-taki's Garden was fairly large with various fruits and vegetables planted on the ground and in trees that they have never seen before in their wildest imaginations.

There were large purple bigani's, root vegetables and dancing orange nenwans planted firmly on the ground while giant blue stapples covered in fire, white banans decorated in ice grew on small husky trees.

Troy spotted Shark attempting to loft out a huge oval bigani but it would not budge. It just tried to smack him with its blue yellow leaves.

"So much for Mister Strong," said Troy.

"I want to see you do better," hissed Shark.

He moved to a patch of leafy nenwans, but when he neared it, the closest limb began to throw their leaves at him like a tornado.

Troy scampered up to Shark after failing to pick the banan's which electrocuted him.

"At the pace we're going, we will starve to death. We don't need to worry about hungry wolves or giant bugs to do the honours."

"It's not my fault every warrior, Beastial and thing in this world seems to be hooked on some form of martial arts," replied an irritated Shark.

"I think it's time for us to call Chi-taki," said Troy when they heard a rustling sound coming from the green blue wrample patch.

"What could it be?" asked Shark.

Something was heading straight for them and fast. Side to side, the two prepared to defend themselves, praying wind and water would come to their aid. 


1) What are your thoughts about the Ruincrucians (Panthora, General Chrome, the Dark One) and how many of them do you think there are? 

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