Chapter 31: Perils of the Island

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Thick red fire began bursting out into a spiralling formation from their mouths. They were headed for his heart while others aimed for the walls of the shrine, burning it with him inside.

His earlier suspicions about the ominous lanterns were correct. They were precautions against those like him.

"There attempts will be in vain."

She gazed at the lantern and they continued to hurl fire at the walls of the shrine. She watched the Dark One shield himself with dark blue fire but it was slowly being devoured by the lanterns' true fire.

"In vain, only your attempts are," she replied, smugly.

The smoke in the shrine thickened and she took her leave.

"Goodbye Dark One, hope you are not tortured too much in the Pit of Darkness," she gleefully said.

"It's as if she does not know what the powers of Dark are capable of."

The Dark One did not panic like Amphitryty desired. The chokehold which the smoke had on him would soon be released from his lungs.

He pulled out the ruby pendant from his cloak and spun it around until it enshrouded him in a dark olive, transparent shield like he utilized in the Archives, blocking out the onslaught of the lanterns' famished fire.

He aimed the glowing mauve ring to the picketed gates, blasting them open. He waltzed out while the lanterns attempted to penetrate his armour with their thick, hungry and angry fire.

The bridge was returning to the depths of the lake. Amphitryty would pay for her misdeeds, maybe not now but he would make a point to visit her for his own personal game.

She materialized in the water and shouted at him, "Drop the Rainbow Scale and the bridge will return to its glory, long enough for you to leave the island, alive."

This was her last chance to retrieve her father's scale, her trump card but he had more tricks up his sleeve.

He summoned a jade tiger from the ring. It crawled out and stood before him with its striking yellow strips, sharp teeth and giant claws.

"You will do as I say," he shouted, seeing and recalling the tiger's displeasure at helping him at the Archives.

He heaved his body onto the massive feline's back and whispered into its ear, "Get us out of here or suffer the consequences."

This time there was no obstacle like the Archives preventing him from displaying all his glory to the tiger. He carefully grasped it's fur with fierceness and held on tightly.

The tiger roared and raced onto the bridge, pushing itself. The trembling bridge was still departing to the lake floor.

If he did not hurry then he would lose his precious life and all he had done would have been in vain.

Amphitryty made one last plea for the Rainbow Scale, her voice echoing throughout the bridge.

"You will never make it to the land alive. The bridge will take you and your tiger with it to its watery grave so release the scale at once."

He ignored her. Her voice was irritating. She was like a broken pipe, spewing words which had no consequences to him. He and the jade tiger were busy as drowning water flowed at them with the intent to suffocate.

"Use the bridge as support. It will aid us, do it now cat," barked the Dark One.

The tiger lofted itself onto the spiral arches and leapt from one arch to the next avoiding the approaching tidal wave of water resembling angry mermaids with spears in their hands.

Using the arches and the suspension lines, the jade cat avoided the water nearing its hind legs every time while the Dark One gazed back to see impending doom closing in.

He shouted over and over to the cat, "Hurry, get us out of here!"

The great Beastial made one final leapt into the air from the edge of the bridge, delivering the Dark One safely to the hills.

The giant cat looked at the mermaid and lowered its head, shaking it. It leapt back into the ring without a command, shrinking to return.

"You will pay for that," he said to the ring, furious at being disrespected once again.

The Dark One returned his focus onto the bridge to see the final remnants of it disappear as if it was never there. The water was calm. The storm for him had passed.

"Thank you Nylus for the gift you have given me."

He gazed at Amphitryty with a stance of triumph. Under his cloak he was giving her the eye of victory.

She sent forth two cyclones of water from her palms but before they reach him, he dematerialized and the two cyclones collided into the hill, gouging out a craterous hole.

An anxious and livid Amphitryty turned her attention towards the shrine where her father's Rainbow Scale was supposed to be.

The shrine was rebuilding itself from the ashes as if all which had transpired did not occur but there was no point. It was empty and the Light was in danger.

"My Lords and Ladies I will see you soon and I hope you can help me fix this grave mistake," said Amphitryty to the saddened silver moon.


1) The Dark One is back. What do you think of his character so far and why would he want this scale?

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