Chapter 36: Battling Vegetables

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Something was heading straight for them and fast. Side to side, the two prepared to defend themselves, praying wind and water would come to their aid.

It emerged from the patch. It was a white sand serpent with rock wings. It hurled its self at Shark while displaying its sharp fangs.

Shark quickly grabbed the Beastial by the mouth and the two fell backwards. Shark did his best to try and close the serpent's mouth, but it was persistent.

Saliva was dropping off the Beastial's enormous fangs while it did it's best to bite.

"Let go of him. Let go of him, you, stupid snake," shouted Troy, kicking and punching.

The serpent took its long scaly tail and bonded Troy, trying to squeeze the life out of him. Troy did his all to break free but the more he struggled, the tighter the serpent's grip became, until it tossed him away.

The serpent was getting nearer to penetrating Shark's flesh when a rope of fire grabbed it and heaved it into the air.

Shark sighed in relief, taking in a large breath, but the danger was not over. He stood up to see who was holding the fire rope.

It was a bronze skin boy with long dark hair with fiery tips. The Fire Warrior used the trees around him like ladders to leverage his body into the air. He then spiraled kick the serpent out of sight.

The boy who looked the same age as them landed on the ground with ease and proceeded to help pull Troy out of the bigani patch.

"Those Quinterpents (Quin-ter-pents) are pests. They're always trying to eat gardeners, but sadly they're needed to help the garden flourish," said the chuckling boy.

"Now, I know this isn't your garden so what are the two of you doing here?"

"We were picking vegetables for Chi-taki when they started to attack us," said Shark, pointing to the vegetables.

"The two of you know Chi-taki?" asked the boy with a quizzical look.

"Yes, and that's why we're in his garden. We're picking vegetables for him to cook," replied Shark.

The boy circled Troy and Shark several times. The two were somewhat paralyzed. This warrior might be a threat to their safety if he did not believe their story.

The Fire Warrior finally stopped in front of them, stroking his chin. "Your attires are very strange. I've never seen such, not even from the other lands."

Before they could explain themselves, he continued on with his observation, "I have known Chi-taki all my life, he practically raised me. I know he's a nice Morphmal and everything, however he always keeps to himself so why has he befriended two oddly dressed warriors?"

"We're oddly dressed, have you looked in the mirror lately?" exclaimed Troy, offended that his once pristine and expensive uniform was being questioned. He wore the best brands.

"What are you doing?" whispered Shark.

"Well," retorted the boy. "I can't afford luxurious attires but still I've never seen anyone wearing such. You must've come from a distant, a very distant land but where?"

The two gazed at each other and were getting nervous.

"Wait a minute, I've seen the two of you before," shouted the boy.

"What, where?" asked Troy, very riddled.

"At the Tavern," shouted Shark, staring at Pyro's body, which was etched with red markings.

It finally hit Troy. Shark was correct. He was at the tavern and being chased by a fair-haired boy.

"You were the one that, that Arion boy was after. I recalled seeing your face."

"Yes, it was me," he replied.

"And, the two of you were the ones running out of the tavern. Just a bit of advice, if you sneak into a tavern, don't sneak into that one, only warrior eaters go there."

"My name is Pyro by the way," he said and he walked over to the bigani patch with the basin.

"What are your names?"



"Ah, that is nice. Your parents must be a devotee to Lord Ponthious and named you after his sacred Beastial."

Shark nodded. He assumed he was going to this hear this a lot if he stayed on Axial. 

"So, what was the problem? The two of you seemed as if you've never picked vegetables before?" said Pyro staring at them.

"Not like these," replied Troy with a smile.

"They wouldn't come out of the ground," shouted Shark.

Pyro rotated his head and looked at them oddly.

"The two of you are definitely from a distant land or you were spoiled all your life," said Pyro.

He reached the patch and began to speak to them which seemed strange to Shark and Troy.

He politely asked for several biganis and then quite a few popped out from the ground and into the basin. He went up to the other patches and did the same thing.

Troy and Shark were amazed. All they had to do was politely ask and the vegetables obliged.

They helped him carry the vegetables back into the den but just in case, they made him take the first step as precaution.

"Of Hyod of Ice and Wind," he uttered and the den door opened and he walked in.

"Here are the vegetables and fruit," said Pyro and he turned over the basin to a smiling Chi-taki.

"Pyro, you finally arrived. What took you so long?" said Chi-taki like a scolding parent.

"You know me, always the adventurer," responded a smiling Pyro.

Chi-taki placed the vegetables on his counter and focused his attention to Shark and Troy, "So you have met my littler adventurer."

"Yes, we have," replied the two.

"I assume he picked the vegetables," said a smirking Chi-taki.

"You knew, you knew that would have happened," laughed the two. 

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