Chapter 4: Dinner and Blood

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One-three-two-one Euclid St. An aspiring writer lives there. Christopher Martin lives there. A woman was just outside of his door. She lifted her finger and gently pressed the doorbell. She waited five seconds. No one opened. Kit didn't open. She pressed it again and waited for another five-second. She was going for the third ring, but then the door opened. Kit was standing there in a towel covering his lower half. He worked out. It can be seen from the other half of his body. He just finished showering. His hair was still wet. The water from his hair was slightly dripping onto the carpet. They both smiled at each other.

"Sorry." Kit said feeling slightly embarrassed.

She chuckled but said nothing.

"Come in, I'll be with you in five." He spoke.

She walked in as he moved aside from the door. Ava was not in her light floral dress anymore. Not in her slippers. She was now wearing an A-line dress. That's what they are called. It fits at the hips and gradually flares out towards the hem, which makes the dress look like an 'A' shape. That's why they were called so. She looked around. This was not her first time in his apartment. Kit was in the other room. Dressing. She walked over to the gray sofa and patted down the place where she was about to sit and sat down. She crossed her legs. Beside her were a bunch of papers. It was one of Kit's scripts. She knew he liked to write. Loved was more like it. She loved to read his material. It was fun. He didn't mind if she read it. With that thought, she moved her hand across to the papers and picked them up. All the papers were not aligned properly. She put one hand on the left middle side of the papers and the other hand on the right middle side of the papers. She hit it lightly on her crossed lap for aligning it. Now she looked at the first page. It had the title of the script in large letters. The font was 'Courier New'. She knew this not because she was an Information Security Analyst. She loved technology. Just like Kit loved writing. She likes to learn about things. She can identify most of the fonts by a look. She knew to program too. Maybe a bit of hacking. But she does not do it. She is a person who respects others' privacy and prefers following rules rather than breaking them. But if she needs to, she will. Ava briefly remembered breaking into her school's grading system to change her grades so that she could go on the field trip. She smiled at the though

She was strong. Not just physically, mentally too. She flipped the page and moved her head up and down. examining the pages. Not reading. Just Examining. She flipped to the next page. She saw something she has never seen in one of his scripts. It was weird. It's not supposed to be there. Blood. It was not normal. She touched it and knew that it had been dried up. The red mark was still there. As she stared at it more, she grew more confused.


I haven't seen this before.

She was still staring. For more than two minutes. She had no idea what was going on. She heard footsteps coming from the bedroom. She looked up. Kit was walking with his car keys which were covered tightly by his fist. He was smiling. The smile was real. Real happiness. Ava understood. She was only one of the few people who truly knew him. Know how he felt. Understood what he felt. His emotions. Not always though. There were times. Like today. He was disturbed. She knew that. Why. That was the question. She got up and kept the papers back on the sofa. She was still thinking.



I haven't seen this before.

Not on his scripts anyway.

He walked towards Ava. This time she was not feeling well. The blood on the papers. Three explanations were only there. Murder. Suicide attempt. Accident or Injury. Two of them were impossible in his case. The other scenario was also very rare.

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