Chapter 28: Behind The Back

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Atticus Berk believed Andrew Beckett completely. He knew where he must be going now. He knew what Andrew will try to do and Atticus Berk wasn't going to stop him, but he knew Andrew Beckett couldn't do it alone, not at the place he might be heading to.

Atticus Berk had seen Andrew beating up people from the window of the motel room. He had seen Andrew ask something or rather force the answer out of one of the men and drive off. There had been a package delivered to Berk at the motel reception. The package had information that he had desperately wanted and he had been stunned by one of the names that were mentioned. He had no idea who had sent the package or why, but there had been a message. Help Andrew Beckett.

Berk was driving to a local café. He had agreed to meet up with someone he had seen recently but was not planning on seeing the man again.

Atticus parked the car, three shops away from the café they had agreed to meet. He sported a black T-shirt and Jeans. He also wore a black cap. He walked quickly through and between the hustling people. He entered the café and saw that it was filled with people in business suits and groups of teens taking photos of their drinks and desserts.

He sat down on a chair in the furthest corner from the door and waited. Seven minutes later, Rick walked in wearing a striped shirt and black pants and sat in front of him.

"What is it, Berk? You got my agent killed. What do you want now?" Rick stated. "I haven't got the body to her family. The autopsies aren't done."

"I didn't get her killed, if someone did get her killed, it would be you who sent a rookie with a dangerous task."

Rick looked like he wanted to arrest Berk for saying that, he didn't do that, instead he said, "What did you want to say?"

"I need help."

Atticus began to explain everything that had happened. From almost getting killed to details about Jack Miller. Berk deliberately left out Andrew Beckett's involvement in all this and his side of the story. Rick's eyes widened as Berk's sentences were coming out like plot twists from a mystery novel.

"Holy shit Berk! What have you got yourself into?" Rick exclaimed.

"Yes." Berk breathed out.

"There are elements which do interest the FBI, but I would have to pull some strings to get a team here with proper materials in a few hours," Rick said.

"But?" Berk asked as he knew what would come next.

"But what's in it for me?" Rick said.

Atticus Berk kept silent for a long time, then spoke up. What he was going to say was completely honest and promised himself that he would stick to his word if he didn't get killed.

"I will come back to the FBI. I promise or else you can arrest me or do whatever you want with me."

With that, Atticus Berk walked away leaving Rick alone with his thoughts and an important decision to make


The automobile factory smelled of oils, gasoline, and metal. Sparks flew past, as Andrew Beckett walked past them along with his father and brother. Those words weren't easy to say or think for him.

His father walked in front of them and lead them to an office that was bigger than it should be. John Milton sat on his chair behind the desk. As, soon as his father sat, his expressions and body language changed to a man who takes everything from everyone and gives nothing to anyone.

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