Chapter 25: Decisions

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Andrew Beckett entered a motel room with the man that had threatened him. That man was not normal. He was experienced with hand-to-hand combat and weapon control and was trained tactical assaults and for obvious reasons Beckett was not happy. He was pissed off that he was outsmarted and opposed so easily. Andrew was not going to forgive himself for that.

The motel room wasn't big. There were three things that caught his eye. Three important things. His bag. His sniper. His weapons. Andrew looked at the man, then back at the three things that lay on the bed.

"Who the hell are you?" Andrew asked.

"I should be the one asking the question.s" The man raised the gun at his face.

Andrew walked closer to the man. One step at a time. He looked the man straight in the eyes and held the nuzzle of the gun with his hand. Andrew slowly pulled the gun on the ground, now the barrel of the gun facing the dirty carpeted floor.

"Now, ask me." Andrew ordered. The man hadn't flinched nor reacted when he had touched the gun.

"Well, if a dead person is telling me this. I should be obliged to do it." The man said nonchalantly.

Andrew became troubled hearing this. He knew he had to do something, but how does this man know this. No one should know this. How does this man know who he is?

Andrew quickly reached for the man's gun, knocking it out of his grip. It fell on to the ground and landed under the bed. They both looked at each other for a second. The man, lunged forward tumbling Andrew on to the floor. The man punched Andrew in the gut and Andrew groaned but kept his composure. Andrew grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and pushed him off. With the limited time frame, Andrew got back on his feet and knee kicked the man on the chin from the side. The man fell on to his side, he spit blood on to the ground. Andrew quickly got near the bed and took his secondary weapon, the smith and Wesson and checked its round. He cocked it and aimed the gun towards the man.

The man got up slowly from where he was standing, but then suddenly dashed a step forward, catching Andrew by surprise. The gun was still in his hand. Andrew got back into focus. As Andrew started to aim the gun, the man kicked his wrist, resulting in shot fired on to the ground and the gun flying out of his hands.

Andrew ran head on towards the man, and pinned him against the door. He got in a few punched on his face, splitting his lip and giving him a bruised eye. The man put his forearm on Beckett's neck and pushed him backward. Andrew came back forward in a punching motion, but the man dodged it and pushed him on to the ground. Andrew fell on to the ground and the man kicked his wounded leg, hurting it more. The man turned and slowly walked near the bed and held the knife firmly in his hands. Andrew saw the man walking towards him. The man knelt down on one knee.

Andrew looked at him.

"How do you know me?" Andrew said in a hoarse voice.

The man reached back and pulled something out of his pants which looked like an article of some sort.

"Tell me your name." Andrew said.

"Atticus Berk." The man answered. Andrew was surprised because he didn't expect him to answer it at all.

"Andrew Beckett." Andrew told his name even though he wasn't asked.

Andrew got up; the man moved out of his way. Andrew now knew that they were a match with each other on combat skills, but he still felt that the man named Atticus Berk was still better than him.

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