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My mother looked over at me and all the anger from last night was replaced with sadness.

A man walked up to her and grabbed her hand and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled at him and directed her attention back to me. She frowned and began to walk towards me but was distracted by the 2 year old tugging on her shirt. "Is that them? Is that her family?"

I looked over at Maya, who I've forgotten was even here and nodded. She looked down at the fries and frowned. After a few minutes she sighed and threw them out and grabbed my hand and led me into my favorite store. Spencer's. "I hate, hate, hate shopping here. Mainly because there's no pink...but go ahead and pick out what you want. And Ya know, I'll buy something too." She picked up one of the items on the stand and sighed "this is sooo unsanitary." I smiled at my best friend and began to walk around the store.

"Charlotte?" I turned and Tyler was standing behind me. "You were supposed to call..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I completely forgot." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah I kind of figured, so what are you doing here?" I pointed over to where Maya was looking at some of the things on the shelf and frowning at all of it. He nodded.

"Yeah, what about you?"

He shrugged. " I like it here."

"Yeah, me too, but I'm more of a hot topic kind of girl, but Maya got the stores mixed up... I didn't really want to correct her. If isn't pink, it's not in her interest." As if on cue, Maya walked over to me holding handcuffs.

"People and their weird fetishes. Oh hey, Tyler." She smiled and he frowned down at the handcuff.

"What...never mind..." He looked over at me. " So, you want to hang out.. When you're done with Maya." I thought about it and figured I'd have to spend time with my boyfriend sooner or later.

"Yeah. Maya and I were just about done...you okay with that?" I looked over to Maya who was opening and closing the handcuffs she had acquired. "Maya." I tapped her shoulder and she jumped and looked at me.

"Oh Ya, ya. That's fine. Call me tonight." She kissed me on the cheek and went to pay for the handcuffs. I shook the thoughts of what she might have needed those for.

"So you ready?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand and led me out of the store. "There's this really cool place in here I used to go to all the time, but kinda stopped when senior year started, Wanna go?" He smiled and looked over at me. His face was enough to make me say yes.

He dragged me through the mall until we stopped at bounceville. "Oh I remember coming here when I was like 7, Maya and I loved it here." I looked over to Tyler and had a small frown on his face. "But Ya know, I haven't been in awhile, it could be fun, let's go." I pulled him inside and payed for two tickets, much to Tyler's dismay.

We walked into the place and you could hear the joyful screams of kids running around. He took of his shoes and ran to the nearest bouncy castle and turned around and held out his hand for me. I smiled and quickly took off my shoes and ran towards him.

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