A Night Alone.

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I stumbled into the house, the bags on my wrist weighing me down a little. The lights in the living room were out and dad has said that he and Kelly wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon. Which meant, I was stuck here alone with Mason. I groaned and dragged my bags upstairs and into my room. I fell back into my bed. I closed my eyes, exhaustion somewhat engulfing me.

I was half asleep when Mason barged into my room, waking me up. I blinked a few times before sitting up and looking at him. He was in basketball shorts and shirtless. His skin was wet with sweat so I assumed he had just finished working out. Apparently I had been staring too long because he had a sly smirk on his face. "Like what you see?" He asked cockily.

"Not really." I said half lying. Of course I liked it, who in the hell wouldn't. "What do you want?"

"Just wanted to know if you wanted pizza. I was going to order some." I nodded. "Okay cool... Wanna make out until it gets here?" I picked up the bear closest to me and threw it at him.

"Get out!" He laughed and walked to the room door.

"It's still an option." I threw another bear but he left out so it hit the door.

I fell back on my bed and groaned. Living with Mason has been a pain so far. But honestly it's the most excitement I've had... My whole life actually.

I've always been locked away and it feels good to be out there for once... Even if it's because of Mason.

Mason's P.o.v.

The teddy bear meant for me hit the door just as I closed. I let out a silent laugh as she groaned in frustration. I enjoyed seeing - well hearing - her like that. It makes her 10x hotter.

I remember in like 8th grade, she confessed she liked me and I just said I knew and she got this face where he nose crinkled and her eyebrows knotted together and she turned red. It was adorable.

But then she kind of...went away? After high school started, I didn't see her as much. It's like she ceased to exist.. In a way. I don't know, it's weird.

I plopped down on the couch and groaned as the doorbell ring as soon as I sat down. I stood up abruptly and answered the door with money in hand. When I opened the door, Tyler stood holding a pizza.

"That'll be 12--" I slammed the 20 against his chest and grabbed the pizza.

"Keep the change." And then I slammed the door. I heard him say thanks through the door. Charlie came padding down the stairs soon after I closed the door. She had on a tank top and short shorts with her hair up in a bun.

"Did you slam the door in the pizza guys face?" I nodded and she shook her head and grabbed the pizza from my hand and went to the kitchen.

When I walked in the kitchen she was already eating a slice and pouring herself a cup of juice.

I grabbed a piece out of the box and sat next to her. "Sooo... What'd you buy today?"

She rolled her eyes and put her pizza on her plate. "Do you actually care oooorr do you just wanna talk to be annoying?"

"I actually want to know." He laughed a little "Is that hard to believe?" She took a bite of her pizza and nodded. "Fine, then I'll do something a little more... Me." I finished my pizza and put my hand on her lap.

She gasped and I got the reaction I had hoped for.

Charlie's P.O.V.
"Let's play firetruck."

"What the hell is that" I asked taking his hand off of my leg.

"I touch you however I like, when you want me to stop, you say red light." He smiled mischievously. I decided I wouldn't let him get anywhere with it so I agreed to play.

"Sure." He started at my knee and moved up closer causing me to gasp. "Red-light"

He smiled "There's only one problem, firetrucks don't stop at red lights. " he moved his hand to his designated spot and I let out an unwanted moan. Much to his satisfaction.

"Ma--" I was cut off by another moan. I moved his hand again and stood from the chair and walked to the living room. "Mason, we can't keep doing this." He stood up and walked into the living room.

"Can't keep doing what?" He walked over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"This." I pointed to his hands on my waist. He leaned down and kissed my neck.

"Why not?" He kissed harder as he got lower. I was so lost in heaven.

"This is wrong." He stopped kissing my neck and looked me in my eyes.

"Then let's be rule breakers for a night." He kissed me on the lips and that's when he had me. I was so lost in seduction, I didn't think I was ever going to come down.

This was how I'm going to spend my night.

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