One Lie After Another

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I wiped my tears as I trailed back down the mountain. The basket swung back and forth as I slowly stomped down the stupid mountain. It hit me in the leg and I ended up tripping. I'm frustrated, crying, tired and cold.

I texted Maya awhile ago to come pick me up and she never replied but I prayed she was waiting for me at the bottom of this thing.

I have to think that I brought this upon myself. I shouldn't have taken him on that stupid picnic on top of this stupid mountain. I sat down for awhile just crying and trying to wipe the blood from off of my knee. My tears blurred my vision so when a manly voice called out my name, I figured Maya had a cold.

Two cold hands picked me up off the ground and I opened my eyes to see that I was face to face with Mason. "What are you doing here?" Rain began to pour down on us and Mason put me down and we began to run.

We got to his car in a matter of 2 minutes and we sat down soaking the seats. "Maya called and asked if I could get you. You're dad told me where to go. What happen? Why were just sitting there crying."

"I honestly don't want to talk about it." I was more upset about how stupid I was than the break up. "Can we just go home?"

He looked at me and shook his head. He opened up the glove department and took off his spare key. He threw the rest of the keys into the glove department and locked it. "We're not moving until you tell me what happen... All of it."

So I told him. Everything. Starting with coming home last night, leaving out the part where I saw his face, to today. I don't even know why he cared, but I told him anyways. "I should kick his ass."

"Mason no! Just drop it please. I'm going to back to school tomorrow like nothing happened, like him and I didn't happen, and you should too." He nodded but I could tell he was thinking. And that could be dangerous.


Masons Pov.

We drove home in silence but I could tell she was upset. I was going to pound his face in.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her lean her head against the window and she sighed. Not long after, she was sleeping. She looked so beau- I shook my head and directed my attention back to the road. Her hair fell over her face and I strained to pay attention to the road.

I pulled into the drive way and tapped her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open and she reminded me of a butterfly. She blushed as she pushed her hair out of her face. I grabbed the basket from the back seat and went into the house. Charlie followed closely behind me. Her dad was waiting patiently on the couch and when he saw how soaked we were, he jumped up.

"Charls what happen?" She frowned and shook her head. I don't know if it was rain or tears, but something dropped down her cheeks and she quickly wiped it away.

"I'm just tired. I should go change and lay down. There's school tomorrow..." She turned around and walked upstairs not once taking her eyes from her feet. Her dad looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders and his slumped as he shook his head. He plopped back down on the couch. And I ran upstairs.

I knocked on the last door in the hall for what seemed like 10 minutes and finally she answered. Her hair was up and she was in pajamas. She wiped all her makeup off and saying she was beautiful naturally would be an understatement. I couldn't remember why I came up here so when she opened the door, I hugged her. At first she was resistant and eventually she gave in. She didn't wrap her arms around me and I didn't really expect her too. Her shoulders began to shake and I could tell she was crying.

I released her from the hug and she wiped the rest of the tears from her cheeks. She shook her head and backed away into her room and closed the door. I heard her sniffles from the other side of the door. I walked back to my room and changed out of my clothes and plopped down on the bed. Tomorrow was the first day back after our break and I have a few choice words for Tyler.


I heard footsteps in the hall and when I checked the time, it was around 7 in the morning. There were whispered voices and my doorknob twisted and the door creaked open and my mom's face appeared in the doorway. She was holding a cake and Mike trailed closely behind a bag in his hand. I was waiting for Charlie to walk in but she never did. I sighed but smiled when my mom began to sing.

"Thank you mom." I got out of bed and kissed her on the cheek, it only took me awhile to remember that I only had on boxers. I smiled and rubbed the back of my head before I threw on some shorts and hugged Mike. He handed me the bag and I threw the paper from it onto the floor.

"Now since you've been having to use my car... we decided since you turned 18, you get your own."

"Except.. it's not a car."

"I was tooootally against this by the way."

"But I thought you'd like it." Mike tossed me a helmet and led me to the garage. When they opened the garage door, I had to resist the urge to let out a girly scream.


"Mason..." My mom gave me a scolding look and I smiled sheepishly. I sat down and twisted the handle bars. This is soooo cool. I felt like a five year old... A five year old with a motorcycle at least. "Mason, this bike comes with rules. Like obviously, that helmet is to be worn at ALL times, Speed limit, If you fall, TELL US. And just please be safe." She kissed me on the forehead and put the keys in my hand.

I revved up the engine and drove to school. Everyone stared as I pulled into one of the parking spaces. I smiled which soon turned into a frown when I saw Tyler talking to Lily. I hung my helmet on the bike and walked over to them. The conversation seized when they both saw me and I wrapped my arm around Lily's shoulder. "What's going on?"

Lily smiled and cleared her throat. "Nothing, just a friendly chat with my friend Tyler here. " Tyler rubbed the back of his neck and cocked a sly smile.

"Sup Mason." He held out his hand and I somewhat snarled at him, that made him put his hand down. "Okay well.. I'll talk to you later Lil." He smiled at her and looked over to her and I'm sure my face face looked mean. He frowned and walked away.

"Why are you talking to him?" I turned to Lily and she looked annoyed.

"Why does it matter? I had some business with him. It kinda involves that future stepsister of yours." She smiled until she looked up and saw my face. "What?"

"Lily what'd you do?" She had the same sly smirk Tyler had had. I frowned.

"Oh relax, it was just a little bet. If Tyler could get her to sleep with him, the little wuss got 200. If he didn't, he had to pay me 200." She twirled her hair around her finger.

I gaped at her. I couldn't even say anything. So I just walked away. I knew exactly where I was going. Lily grabbed my hand and I ripped it away. She looked shocked. "It's over Lily." I turned back around and walked into the school. Luckily for me, it didn't take much searching. I found him.

And I punched him.

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