The Day (Part I)

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I woke up early that day, which was odd for me because early normally meant around 2 or 3 p.m. My excitement got the best of me and I guess I was a little overly excited to be going to prom today.

Maya and I had stayed up a little late discussing hair and makeup but I eventually passed out and I guess Maya retired to her room because she wasn't asleep in mine. I checked the clock and it said 9 and I sighed. Even though I was fully awake, I was somehow managing to be tired. I got out of bed and trudged into the bathroom where I took a nice, long, hot shower and put on this face mask thing Maya had left in the bathroom. The face mask was green and made me look weird. I frowned in the mirror before rushing downstairs to eat breakfast.

Maya's dad stood in the kitchen while Maya sat at the table with an identical face mask. Her phone was in her hand she I assumed she was either texting, tweeting, instagraming, or just being Maya and staring at herself in the phone screen. I pulled out a chair which scraped against the wooden floors, causing Maya to look up. She smiled for a second before returning to her phone screen. I turned in my chair to face her dad and pointed my thumb towards her. "Kids these days, they'll never learn how to put down their technology and pay attention to their family" I shook my head, mocking what my father would have done.

I felt something hit the back of my head and turned around to see a frowning Maya. "You're stupid" she rolled her eyes and I put my hand over my heart. She picked up another false grape and threw it at me and laughed. "So there's going to be this killer after party and I think we should go." She whispered checking every now and then to make sure her dad didn't over hear. "Unless you and Mason have some after plans of your own..." She wiggled her eyebrows and I made a gagging sound. "Oh come on you prude. You know you want him." She made a circle with her fingers and poked her index finger through the circle.

"You're gross." She laughed aloud and her dad looked in our direction and shook his head while mumbling something about our generation. Her dad brought plates with eggs, bacon, and pancakes and Maya got us both some orange juice. We ate rather quickly for two teenage girls. Once again, I believe it was because of the excitement. We both threw our plates in the sink and ran upstairs to my room. I sat down at the vanity with my phone while Maya plugged up a bunch of things she needed for my hair. I scrolled down my Twitter timeline while Maya curled and prodded at my hair. Every now and then I'd receive a text from Mason saying random things.

Maya finished my hair and I took about five minutes to admire it. She curled the back and teased the top to create a sort of hump and the curled the rest and put a clip with my mine and hers birthstone. I smiled and stood from the stool so she could sit. Unlike me, Maya wasn't a quiet customer. She talked and critiqued me the whole time I did her hair. I wanted to shove a sock in her mouth, but that was illegal. But then again, I wasn't exactly kidnapping her... No no.

I added the same clip to her hair and stepped away so she could look in the mirror. She smiled and after moving it around a little, she hummed a satisfied hum and shrugged her shoulders. She got up from the stool and grabbed my shoulders and shoved me into the chair. "Makeup time" she squealed aloud and gathered all of her makeup. She grabbed my shoulders and shoved me onto the vanity stool and spun it around so it was facing her.

She began and it was a very painful and time consuming process but by the time I was finished I didn't even recognize myself. I smiled and Maya pushed me off of the stool so she could start her makeup. While she was doing her makeup I started putting on my dress, only to find out that it has more kinks than I expected. I groaned and plopped down on the bed and Maya shook her head. "I'll help you when I'm done you incompetent child." I sighed and flopped back on the bed. It took her at least an hour to finish her makeup an during that hour I spent watching TV.

Maya finished and helped my zip up my petticoat. She ran to get to get her dress and I helped her do the same. We both wriggled into our dresses and smiled as we successfully got in them. We both helped each other put on our shoes and we put on our jewelry.

Maya and I carefully walked downstairs and when we got down there, Maya turned around and smiled slyly at me. She moved out of the way only to reveal my mother standing behind her. My mother gasped and her hand went to her mouth. "Oh my god, Charlotte, you look beautiful." She wiped a stray tear from her eye and smiled. She pulled a box out from the purse that clung to her shoulder and smiled. "I got you something, I called and asked Maya, what color dress you were wearing and um, I got you a necklace to go with it. I didn't exactly buy this one though. It was your grandmothers.. When Maya told me that your dress blue, this necklace came to mind... I thought that maybe you would like it..." She mumbled more and finally I pulled her into a hug.

"Mom, I love it. It's so beautiful." She smiled and her arms tightened a little around me. She let go and I took off the necklace I had on and let her place that one on me. The cold metal touched my skin and I shivered. "I love this, I love you. Thank you mom."

Her eyes started to water again and she pulled me into another hug and let a few tears fall before letting me go. "Your father would be in tears... You look so beautiful, he would have cried." My heart ached and longed for just another hug from my father but instead received one from Maya's crying father.

"Dad, let Charlie go please." He nodded and I smiled and walked outside while Maya said her final goodbye to her father.  I touched the necklace once more and smiled at the attempt my mother had made, at the stumbling over words when she gave it to me, I smiled at the fact that she acted like the mother I had once loved before. 

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