mine. (yandere george)

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Requested by st4rgirll hope you enjoy! (and thelibrarypenguin you wanted yandere too <3)

"Look, George, I really do appreciate you-I really do. But I only see you as a friend." Your hands shook, eyes locked onto the floor. You really didn't want to see his face, his reaction to you rejecting him.

But it was the truth, and he deserved the truth.

After a few moments of silence, you finally looked up, locking eyes with him, only to blink in confusion, gulping nervously. His face was twisted into an expression you had never seen on his face, hard lines twisting his face into a snarl, fingers twitching at his side, all muscles completely tensed. He looked ready to attack, the vein on his neck popping out from how hard he was tensed up.

"What do you mean..." he hissed, breathing loudly. "...you smile all the time at me. You care for me. What do you mean you don't like me?" Grabbing onto your shoulders, he dug his nails in, shaking you back and forth like a ragdoll, looking completely and utterly unhinged. "Answer me!"

You tried to pull his hands off you, eyes wide and heart thumping, adrenaline pulsing through your veins. This man was not right in the head.

"Because-get off me-you were my friend! That's what friends do!"

Yanking yourself away from him, you rubbed your sore arms, taking small steps backwards, shaking your head at him. You shouldn't have made friends with him-there was clearly a reason as to why he was alone all the time! You just felt like he needed a friend.

Clearly, he needed a therapist.

"Well, not friends anymore, clearly, since you have no issue hurting me." Taking another step back, you went to turn away, hoping he'd just leave you alone, taking a sharp breath when a hand violently smacked against your shoulder, gripping tightly.

"Don't say that." His head rested against your shoulder, and you felt his whole body shake against you, small sniffles coming from his nose. Was he...crying? "Don't say that. Please, I'm sorry."

Turning around, you wiped away the tears from his face, sighing and softening despite yourself. He was clearly not right in the head and just needed some help. And you would be an awful person if you just let him not learn from this situation-he might go on to hurt someone else.

"Ok, George, but you've got to-"

Something was pressed against your mouth, a strong chemical smell making its way into your lungs. You struggled against his grip, the cloth pressed hard against your face, making you breathe all of it in, George looking down at you with maniacal eyes. Starting to feel your limbs go limp, completely powerless to him, you watched helplessly as he moved the cloth away, supporting you up with his arm.

"Stupid of you to think you'd be able to say that to me."

Your eyes started to close, and you fought against it, gritting your teeth to focus on moving and getting the hell away from him, making a frustrated noise when all your body could do was a feeble twitch. He laughed coldly.

"Sleep tight. You're mine now."

(A/N-me putting a cute pic of gogy after writing about him literally kidnapping us just because i can :DD last yandere request for a while :))

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(A/N-me putting a cute pic of gogy after writing about him literally kidnapping us just because i can :DD last yandere request for a while :))

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