Chapter 16: A Chance Encounter

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Edward was not happy about this uninvited unwelcomed favour by the Framptons at all. He was fond of women who could sing and play but he was least interested in their singing or music. Talented women were merely a turn-on for him when he was a careless boy but now as the Duke of Dales, he couldn't really get down to business with the ladies of his choice, not in London during the season most certainly. With such limiting circumstances he couldn't imagine a more unpleasant way of spending an afternoon than to serve a decent audience to young debutantes but there was no denying it.

It was the first proposal put forward by Lawrence after he agreed to cooperate with him in his Dukish masquerade. He couldn't upset him.

All his worries and concerns of an unpleasant afternoon, however, were washed away the moment his eyes met Esther's wide ones. He would be a liar to say his lips did not erupt into a smile at her sight. By the amazingly wild look on Miss Sherborne's face, he could tell he was about to enjoy the afternoon immensely.

The same however couldn't be said for dear Miss Sherborne.

She could feel regret taking form inside her the moment she watched him walk in. It took her a good long minute to break out of her breathless trance. His eyes undoubtedly went wide as he registered her unexpected presence, she noticed. His judgy gaze raked down her body causing her hand to automatically reach the side of her belt where his letter stayed tucked.

She could not curse her fate enough.

Just one minute.

Had he walked in one minute late, she would've been off to her home on her carriage. Safe from this tragic encounter.

To add to her sheer agony, the deceitful man smiled. He smiled at her expense. As he always did. Rejoicing in her pain.


The sooner she could walk away the better, she decided and with a deep breath, she walked ahead towards him.

"Miss Sherborne," he was the first to bow, yet again, "what a pleasant surprise. I was not expecting to see you this afternoon."

"I must say, I'm pleased to hear that. You must not mind us, Your Grace." Esther replied to his bow with a swift curtsy. "We were only leaving."

"Esther, my dear. Be gentle with your words." Lady Sherborne joined Esther in front of the Duke, "Pardon my daughter's arrogance, Your Grace. She isn't always like this."

"Consider it pardoned, my lady." He smiled looking at Esther from the corner of his eyes. "Must you leave so soon? I haven't had a chance to achieve Lord Sherborne's acquaintance in a long time. The Framptons and you, I suppose are related?"

"Oh, yes indeed we are. Lady Frampton is in fact, my wife's elder sister. Your Grace." Lord Sherborne walked up to the Sherborne ladies and greeted the Duke with a bow.

"That's enough acquaintance for a day, I presume. Father, we must go now. Let's not be a burden." She pleaded with her father with begging eyes.

"You amuse me, Miss Sherborne. You are no burden to me and I'm certain your relatives are not so petty to have such sentiments towards you either."

That was all it took for him to defeat her. Soon the Sherbornes were sitting back on the same sofas, Edward and his friend Lawrence, sat on a loveseat while Esther stood in a corner behind the Frampton girls' seat and sulked. She was too disturbed to find comfort.

The conversations started, ranging from the Duke's travel history, his life experiences and achievements, and the dukedom, and to Esther's surprise, he answered them all with such confidence and pride that it was hard to not forget that he wasn't the real Duke.

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