Chapter 37: The Gift of Freedom

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Esther returned to the Sherborne Estate that night with a heavy heart. 

Despite the unexpected blow, she had to attend dinner sitting next to the lying Duke with a smile. She did not wish to ask nor think as to why he would go to such lengths to hurt her, she only wished she could not think about it and succumb to sleep the moment the dinner was over and she was in her bed-chamber however she knew better than to expect any such thing.

Throughout the dinner and even after it up until her carriage actually began moving back towards her house, she was expecting him to abruptly stop her, pull her to a side and explain the mess. He did no such thing. He did not even spare her a glance ever since his horse responded to its true name. In fact, he kept his distance from her as much as he could. He talked to her parents, the Framptons even, but she was non-existent to him.

She was glad she wanted to believe, but the underlying disappointment highly surpassed her relief.

As if it was not bad enough, Lord Valentine decided to make the evening worse for her by leaving right after his truth demonstration. One could easily calculate and conclude that he had spent the majority of his time and attention on Esther than on the Lady he was seemingly courting. It was only natural that Juliette spent the rest of her evening glaring at Miss Sherborne.

However, it was all bearable when compared to the piercing gaze Florence had her pinned with. Clearly, she had questions to ask and arguments to make and Esther was in no place to keep up with that. Luckily, Leo Radcliffe indulged her in a rather interesting conversation soon after the dinner and she only spared her a glance or two afterwards.

However, to ensure no interrogation at least for the night, Esther deliberately put off all the lamps in her room and bolted the door of her bedroom tight a little too early. But to her surprise, Florence did not knock on her door that night or the next morning even.

It was only the next morning at breakfast that Esther asked Mrs Lewis about her invisibility in response to which she informed her that she had left for her Aunt's estate in Buckingham early in the morning even before the sun.

"Did something happen?" Esther asked in concern as it was the strangest of her to leave town without informing Esther.

"Oh, yes. Lily is getting married, tomorrow. My sister's fourth daughter. Although Florence had made it clear she did not wish to visit, she suddenly changed her mind this morning. Did she not inform you beforehand?" Mrs Lewis replied in a confused tone making her stretchy skin bundle up at her forehead in a messy frown.

"I must have missed it, I suppose. When did she say she is returning?"

"I am not so certain my dear, she took with herself heavy luggage. I couldn't bring myself to stop her, she hardly ever travels. I hope she stays at leisure this once." The mother sighed in a hopeless manner.

"Oh. Did Leonardo Radcliffe drive her on his carriage?"

"Oh no, she went by herself. Arranged a small carriage for her as good as I could manage." Mrs Lewis added with another hopeless smile. "I wish she weds to a good man soon and settles at a nice estate with farms and cattle, my poor daughter."

Esther saw no point in asking her any questions anymore, so she only smiled and let the conversation die.

It did slightly pain her to know that she did not have someone to talk to about her Duke problems anymore however what concerned her, even more, was Florence's sudden unexplained departure. She'd hardly ever been away from Esther and when she did leave, she was back in not more than four to five days. A week if at all. Her leaving so suddenly without a word was picking at her nerve however on second thought, she perhaps was only overthinking something so trivial to avoid her real troubles.

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