Chapter 34: Meeting Esther

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Edward had no heart to attend the Annual Derby.

He was never fond of such social events where people only gathered to collect gossip and show off their social status through the bulky amounts of their bets and the health of their horses. Like every other high society event, it was only a social masquerade for the wealthy to hide the ugly side of their lives. 

However, things changed when the young master Henry Richcomb expressed his desire of visiting the racecourse. 

For the past two weeks, Edward used all his wit and intelligence to find any way at all to walk back to Esther but all he found was hopelessness. He visited all the gatherings that were organised in those fifteen days with hopes of seeing her however she seemed to have disappeared in thin air. Even though he knew better than to ask any questions, that was hardly necessary. Every gathering devoid of Miss Sherborne's presence was rich with gossip about her. And God, they were absurd. 

He was not certain of her attendance at the Derby but his ear did catch a word of hope among those gossips and even though he knew he was but a fool to believe such hearsay, he couldn't not take the chance. Fortunately, his efforts of sneaking out little Henry from under Eleanor's nose did not go to waste. 

Not too far away from where Edward and Henry were surveying the horses to place their bets, stood Miss Sherborne, dressed beautifully in a gentle white day dress that swayed with the morning breeze in absolute sync with her long hair that kept coming in the way of her eyes causing her fingers to reach her face and push them away every few minutes. The events together were making her look almost seductive, but that was beyond point and it took, however, his entire willpower, Edward shook himself back to sanity. 

"I shall think number eleven, what do you say, Edward?" Henry asked pulling his attention back to the horses. 

"Eleven looks good my boy, but do you mind calling me Your Grace for the day, please? Eleven it is." Edward added to the cowboy on the counter handing him three bags of coins. "Listen, Henry. Do you see that girl standing under the pavilion? The one in white?"

"Esther?" Henry echoed in a bright voice. 

"Absolutely. You see, I have upset her badly, hence I need your help to-" 

"Did you hurt Esther?" Henry accused interrupting him abruptly with innocent rage in his voice.

"Ah. It ended up that way, I'd say. However, I am extremely apologetic. You must help me express my apology to her." 

Henry watched him with raised eyebrows and surveying eyes for a long moment. "Alright, I shall help you, just for Esther." He whispered with a wide grin.

Edward couldn't help but reciprocate. "Wonderful." 

Esther had expected a gloomy day but now with the sun shining from the east and a gentle breeze grazing her hair, she was far from bored. She was quite glad to have agreed to attend the races. The sight of horses jumping and stomping, ready for the starting pistol to announce the start of the race any moment now, made her more ecstatic than she could describe in words. 

Lord Sherbourne along with Lord Frampton, was quite occupied in the usual race day arguments with other noblemen while their ladies were seated at a high situated pavilion. They had less interest in the horses or the bets. Their eyes were busy finding their future sons-in-law among the younger men gathered on the grounds while the debutantes were themselves present in the field to make sure they seized the right prizes. 

The season had advanced greatly, meaning most of the debutantes had found their matches. Some were already engaged and others were only counting the days to receive the proposal. The smarter bunch were keeping one gentleman occupied for safety while also looking for better alternatives, especially on days like this when all the hidden gems gathered at one field in the broad daylight. 

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