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"Thank you boys so much for that. You were wonderful! I love to see you enjoying the competition!" - Mr. Soot

"Honestly mate, that was amazing. Im gonna go hike to my wife and tell her all about it! I only wish I recorded it" - Mr. Minecraft

"Ranboo im glad your enjoying something other than football. Im also glad you made more friends. Im proud of you." Mr blade

Ranboo had tears in his eyes as he heard that. His parents always expected a lot from him so hearing Mr. Blade, a teacher who never gives praise, say he is proud of him pulled on his heart strings. He ran up to Mr. Blade and gave him the most heartfelt hug anyone had ever seen.

This prompted Tommy to go hug Mr. Soot and tubbo hugged Mr.Minecraft. It was a truly sentimental moment that none of them would forget.

"Thank you Mr. Blade..." - ranboo said into blade's shirt.

"For what?" - blade

"For everything." - ranboo

"MORNING CLASS!!!" - Mr. Soot

"So as you know yesterday was STAGE ONE of the competition!!! Every one please give yourself a pat on the back. Except you group three. I'm the jungle? Really? If you were going to slack off at least pick a funny song!" - Mr. Soot said (accompanied and eyeroll)

"But the rest of the class made it to the next stage!! Stage two BABY! I've been getting lots of questions asking about what stage five was. My answer is.... A SURPRISE!!! You will find out stage five after stage 3 of the competition." - Mr. Soot

"I'm this lesson we will spend half the lesson doing band practice and the other half I want to talk to you guys about me!"

"Pfft okay narcissist" - Tommy

"Oi, prick. Don't even fucking try.. i will punt you into the sun" - Mr. Soot

This was enough to convince Tommy to stop talking and sit up straight. The class also started giggling to themselves.

"so class did I ever tell you that I was a musician? In fact I still am a musician!"

"I'm Mr. Soot?" - tubbo

"Call me wil. You too ranboo" - Wil

"Oh alright. Can you finally tell us about your songs instead of just telling us you're a musician?" - tubbo

"Tubbo my man, THATS WHAT IM DOING TODAYYY!!" - wil

"So here is the story about how I wrote my first song. I met this girl online, she was hot, and funny, and sweet, and hot. I was in love, but I started to go crazy. Ditching my friends, snapping at my parents, that sort of thing. I got so obsessed I would wake up at 2:45 pm everyday just so I could stalk her page. I practically had red bull running through my veins. I also probably had some form of skin cancer with all my smoking. And then she blocked me. No trace of her anywhere. For fucks sake I punched a whole through the door! My parents sent me to therapy and I got less crazy but honestly all I could think about was her! That's when I wrote my first song." - wil

"What was the song called?" - George asked, which was surprising considering none of the dream team were every interested in lessons. Though, They did seem interested in the story.

"I'm in love with an E- girl" - wil

"Can we listen to it" - sapnap

"PLEASE SIR I NEED TO LISTEN! I NEED TO" - quackity screamed from the back of the class

"man, you can't tell us an interesting story for once and then not show us the song!" - dream

The bench trio - band auWhere stories live. Discover now