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i was munching on my chips when i got an unknown call on my phone. normally i would have just hit decline but y/bf was out with his friends so i decided to pick up in case it was one of his homeboys or something.

"hello?" i bring the phone up to my ear, "this is  a collect call from the (wtv your county is) county correctional facility for y/bf/f/n
y/bf/l/n, press 1 to accept the call"

what the actual fuck.

i tap on the number 1 and it goes silent until i here "babe?" "y/bf/n?" "yeah" "what happened" "i got arrested" "are you serious right now" "yes" "you aren't doing one of those fucking tiktok pranks on me are you?" "no y/n i'm not" i rubbed my forehead in frustration and let out a sigh "okay so what happened" "i got caught" "doing what y/bf/n" i said sternly "with some coke"

there is so much shit that i wanna tell him right now and i'm going to say none of it.

"fuck babe, how long are you in there for?" "i think i'm doing 2 weeks" "okay, so you're just gonna plead guilty?" "yeah, my attorney said i could do up to 2 months if i plead innocent" "whens your hearing?" "tomorrow" "fuck what time" "3" "okay i'll be there" "alright, i love you" "i love you too" "bye" and with that the call ended.

the little knowledge i have in the legal field is coming in to play right now. and yes we are gonna go with the public defense attorney, i mean we can't really afford one right now. fresh out of highschool, just got our apartment, you know.

fuck bro, i have to call his mom right? but should i? i mean, would y/bf really want his mom to know that he got arrested for coke? i don't know maybe i shouldn't.

the rest of the night consisted of me trying to go to sleep but failing miserably. this motherfucker had me on edge.

2 weeks? i mean it's not bad for getting caught with well ... you know. god he's probably gonna lose his job and i'm gonna be so tight on rent, i can pay for it myself but i rely on his income for groceries and shit. god y/bf/n you are so gonna hear it from me when you get home.

eventually i found myself staring at the sunlight peeping through my window. i checked the time on my phone and it read 7:38 am. well i mean i've been laying here long enough i guess i should probably start my day. i just kind of lounged around, ate, watched some tv. just trying to distract myself before 3. eventually it came and by then i was ready so i headed to the correctional facility.

i entered and didn't exactly know where to go so i just asked. i opened the door to the room where he would be sentenced. and there he was. behind a sleek wooden desk next to whoever his attorney was. i would go through all the details but basically he did what he told me, pled guilty and they actually ended up giving him 1 week in jail and 1 week probation since it was his first offense and since technically he was still a minor, they charged it as a misdemeanor.

i still don't know what i'm gonna tell his mom

a week had passed by, i would say it felt weird but it didn't. i went to go pick him up. i saw him walk out of the building, his veiny hands holding his belongings, face scrunched because of the sun hitting him and his skin glowing in the light. he looked hot.

he opened the passenger door and hopped in. he went to give me a kiss but i stopped him, "not yet" "oh" he chuckled.

i don't know what went in that mouth while he was in there

it's like he read my mind, "i didn't drop the soap" i laughed "oh thank god" and i kissed his cheek. i turned my attention back to the wheel and let out a sigh, "what the fuck were you thinking?" i questioned him "babe it wasn't even my fault" "what do you mean?? you literally spent a week in jail how the fuck is this not your fault" "i was just kicking it with mike at his house okay, we had finished smoking and we got hungry so we drove to taco bell, and while we were in the car mike pulled out a baggy of coke and he was like 'aye bro when we get back you wanna do this' and i was kinda like what the fuck but mike's high ass was driving hella slow so he got us pulled over, he tried to hide the baggy but the officer noticed and it was too late." "so you got arrested for it and didn't even snort it?" "yeah" "loser, you know you have to look for a new job now right?" "yeah" i groaned, "fucking mike" i muttered.

happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈❤️

requests are open!! 🤍

word count:863

𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡/𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora