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(Leah POV ♥︎)

The next days were spent finalizing the plan. Jessie was obsessed with the project so she came over everyday.

Tuesday, Kai was supposed to come over, but he had basketball practice so he didn't. It didn't matter though since we were basically done. Quick I know, but then again Jessie was all over this evil plan. She is a little scary...

"So do you think we are completely done?" I grabbed books from my locker.

"Yup! Now we just need the execution." Jessie popped a bubble from her gum.

I closed my lockers and sighed. "This is really evil."

"maybe." Jessie shrugged. "But, he will not get away with his little bet thing. It's fucking repulsive."

Nodding I said, "ya, boys are fucked in the head."

We walked to our next class which had a huge test and sat in our desk with a glum face plastered on all of us.

"Hey Leah," Someone whispered to me.

Turning my head around I saw Jason Ross.


"Um... did you study?" He nervously scratched his head.

Poor Jason. He was one of the few students who actually payed attention in this class.

"Jason don't worry! You focus in class right?" He nodded at my question. "See, you'll be ok." I gave a smile.

He smiled back and looked at the teacher and fidgeted with his hands. I looked around the room to see if anyone else was nervous, only to meet gaze with Kai. We made eye contact until I couldn't hold it.

Looking back up, his focus was totally averted, and I wondered for a second if it was all my imagination.


After class Jason came towards me and I slowed my pace so he could walk with me. I had to stop at my locker for something, or else I would've waited for him.

"Leah!" He called out.

I looked behind me and he came from behind me to beside me. He was a lanky tall guy and so his long legs caught up pretty fast. It's not like I have super short legs with being 5'7", but all the guys here do basketball or some sport so they're all relatively tall.

"Hey, Jason! Did you do good on the test?" Thankfully the test was on google classroom so we could see the results immediately. Call me a nerd, but waiting for the test results makes me anxious the entire day.

"Not too bad, ninety eight." He smiled wearily.

"Not too bad bud! I got myself a seventy three. Passed due to my extremely awesome tutor here. Life saver she is. I go to her house every-" Kai butted in the conversation.

"-Hi Kai." I rudely said interrupting him. "I was kinda talking to Jason here." I looked to see Jason with a very awkward smile as he looked between us.

"I'm going to go...see ya around Leah!" Jason bolted away.

Great. My new friend just left. I sighed and gave Kai a very annoyed look. "Yes?"

"Hey, I was wondering if I could come over?" Kai smirked and walked with me with his hands in his pockets.

"Why?" I gave him a weird look.

"I missed my other meeting, so let me make it up." He shrugged.

I was a little weary about Kai coming over. Sure we are on good terms, but I'm sure it's purely just friends. With my history of kissing him, it would be weird with just him and I. Alone.

"ok." My mouth spilled the words out.

Kai gave a smirk and walked off leaving me a little worried for our meeting.


It was around four thirty when he came over and I was working with Milo on his math homework.

"So take X." I pointed with my pencil.

We heard a door bell ring and I got up after apologizing to Milo. Swinging the door open I saw Kai leaning down looking at me.

"Hey, I need to finish helping Milo-um finish his math homework." I scratched my head and left the door open for him come in.

For some reason I feel so weird around him lately. I wish Jessie was here. Surely if she was here they could banter and it would feel less awkward.

I sit back with Milo and Kai pulls up a chair behind me. He's so close and looks over my shoulder at the equation.

"Um- Milo I'm terrible at algebra." I blush embarrassed. I feel like you're either really good at algebra or geometry, never both. Of course I got a hundred in algebra but I sorta worked my butt of and then never thought of it again.

"Hey, you just taught me that." I felt Kai say over my shoulder.

"I did?" I turned around.

"Yeah," He placed a hand on the table to lean over and then another one behind my chair for support. "Milo, all you need to do is carry the X to the other side-" He began to explain.

Milo nodded his head and followed his instructions. I felt awkward trapped in Kai's arm and felt his chest sometimes brush against my back when he would point out something on Milo's paper.

I sat back in my chair towards his arm and let my back avoid his arm around my chair.

"Thank you so much Kai!" Milo smiled at the finished equation.

"Anytime kid." Kai smiled back.

"Ok, I'll  be in the living room if you need help." I got out of the chair like it was fire.

I left the kitchen and went to the living room. Entering I plopped myself on the couch with an 'omph' and leaned my head back.

I heard the familiar footsteps and prepared myself to look at Kai from the other side of the room. Instead he decided to give me no space and instead sat right next to me. One move and we'd be touching thighs.

"So, plan?"

I completely forgot why he came over. The plan is seared in my head after Jessie told me over and over, only about twelve thousand times.

"Oh, Yeah." I mumbled and looked up at him. "Um, so basically the plan is um-"

Kai lifted his eyebrows with a look of 'spit-it-out'.

"Um- why don't you just ask Jessie?" I looked at him squarely.

"Because I'm asking you." He looked at me like I was a dummy.

"Yeah b-"

"Are you going to tell me the plan or not?" Kai's arm rested on the back of the couch and leaned towards me. My body heated up immediately and I looked at my socks.

"Dye his hair. Destroy his harem. Expose at Homecoming." I listed off.

A moment went by without him saying anything so I looked up.

"Um... wow." Kai looked me in the eyes. "Jessie is a psychopath."

I smiled a nodded. "Say what you want, but she's pretty damn smart." I shrugged, defending her.


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