Chapter Twelve

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Third Person
"Oh, come on. I thought we were friends, Brynne," Sebastian smirked.

"We used to be. Then you turned into who you are today."

"What are you talking about? Bee, I'm the same person I always have been. Maybe I just haven't been comfortable showing my true self around you."

With that remark, Brynne let the arrow, that had been ready to fly through the air, go and fly toward Sebastian.

Sebastian dodged it by doing a quick step to the left. "Oh, Bee. You're just too predictable."

"Oh, Sebastian. You're just too annoying,"Aiden said, rolling his eyes.

"Moi? Annoying? It couldn't be me."

"Yeah, yeah it could be," Mini replied.

"Shut up, Pipsqueak. You don't get a say in this. You probably fight like a girl."

"Oh, uh-huh. I fight like a girl and get I can still beat you."

"Try me, Yamini."

"Try me, Sebastian. You don't want to test me. I have a whole army behind me."

"I have the Sleeper. Also, I think your boyfriend is a bit afraid of any fights, seeing as he's hiding behind you," Sebastian said, motioning to Rudy behind Mini.

"Just tell us where Shah is!" Aiden yelled, interrupting the argument.

"She's at Cata. Duh. I thought you were the smart one."

"I'm smarter than you, Mister. I-Made-Water-For-School."

Sebastian glared at Aiden, and Aiden did the same back. "You will take us to Shah."

"Fine. Only because I don't need to go to your dungeon."

-When they all get to Cata's Castle-

Aru paced in the hall. Her father had let her out of her room because she said she would comply with his rules.

In the past three hours, she had already been slashed on her cheek by a sword while her father tried to train her.

She brought her hand up to her injury and she winced at the pain. Her finger tips picked up dried blood.

"Oh, Aru," he father called, drawing out the 'u' in her name.


"Come. We have visitors."

Aru slowly walked to the throne room where her father had called her from. Suyodhana was sitting in his throne, which was black jeweled with diamonds and sapphires.

Her eyes locked with Brynne's, who had her bow in her hand.

"Brynne, what are you-" Aru started.

"Did I give you permission to talk to her?" Suyodhana cut her off.

"Nope. But, I'll still talk to her because I have rights."

Her father stood up and walked to her. His cold fingertips touched her cheek, which had the cut on it.

"Do I need to remind you what I'm capable of?"

She squirmed out of his reach as her face burned from pain. "No, father."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and guided her to in front of the thrones. He put her behind him, knowing what would be coming soon.

Brynne put an arrow on her bow and aimed it at the Sleeper. "Let her go or I'll shoot you," she ordered.

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