Chapter Fourteen

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3rd Person as always

Aru smiled at her mom's newly found confidence.

And that, people, is my mother, she thought.

She continued down the stairs, her dress flowing behind her. It definitely wasn't the most comfortable thing to wear, but it gave her an extra boost of her own confidence.

Aru realized she had left her mother so, she quickly ran back up the stairs, holding the skirt of her dress up so she didn't trip on it.

"Aru, what are you doing back?" Krithika asked.

"I can't leave you," Aru replied, moving closer to her mom, noticing that her father wasn't around to stop her.

"Oh, Aru, Aru, Aru," his voice called.

Aru jumped out of her skin and turned to the wall near the steps. Her father was standing there in the shadows.

"What now? What did I do wrong this time?"

"You came back," he smiled, which honestly scared Aru.

"You now have two options. One, stay with your mum and me in Cata, and you can wed Sebastian. Two, you can leave without your mother and most likely get dragged back here. Which will you choose?"

Aru's jaw slightly dropped. She looked to her mom, her eyes full of worry. Could she leave her mom here? Would she be okay?

Krithika looked at her daughter. "Aru, run."

"I can't leave you! Not again!" Aru started to cry. She ran to her mom and wrapped her arms around her.

"Aru, you need to go. I'll be okay. I'll find my way back to you. My priority is getting you out of here."

"I-I- I can't leave you. I just got you back two hours ago."

"Do you want to marry Sebastian and live a life full of misery?"

"But I'd have you, mom," Aru sniffled.

"But you'd be unhappy. I'd rather you leave now and find a way to get me out of here later on."

Krithika kissed the top of Aru's head. She wiped away the tears that were idle on Aru's cheeks.

"Go now."

Aru unwrapped her arms from around her mother. "I'll find a way to get you out of here, mom. I will be back."

"I know. I trust you."

Aru started walking back toward the stairs but not before turning around once more to look at Krithika.

"I love you so much, Aru."

"I love you more, mom," Aru sniffled before running down the stairs. She ran to the stable, trying to find a horse to ride.

She chose a reddish-colored horse with the same colored mane. She tried riding normally but soon realized she would have to ride side-saddle with her dress.

She sat side-saddle and gripped the horse's reins. "Let's go," she coaxed. The horse galloped out of its stall and ran down the gravel hill.

Aru's hair blended in with the night. The stars lit the path, along with the bright moon that hung in the sky. Dark clouds threatened to release their water drops down into the city.

She found a store that was still open, even though it was late at night. She tied the horse up and walked in.

"Hello, ma'am-" the store clerk started. "Oh my god. It's Princess Aru. Hello, Princess."

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