Chapter Sixteen

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"Excuse me?!" each kid said.

"I'm taking it as you had no clue?"

"None." Aru looked back at the group. "This is all my fault. I left my father and now I have this giant responsibility. They could be getting injured at this very moment!"

"I'm sorry, what? Repeat that for the camera," the reporter said.

"No comment!" Aru sniffled, riding off as quick as she could.

"Shah!" Aiden called after her.

"Let her go and calm down," Rudy said.

"That's the last thing she needs. She needs people around her, Rudy," Brynne said, galloping away.

-When they all got back to the castle-

"Aru?" Mini called into the throne room. She poked her head through a crack in the door.

Aru was already with Phillipe looking at the queen's crown. Their backs turned away from the princess.

"Aru, it's yours to wear," Phillipe soothed Aru while rubbing her back.

"It-it just doesn't feel right. I'm fifteen, and I just got here last week."

"I get where you're coming from, but this is now your duty. It's your job to rule Byburn. Add a little spice to your job."

Aru sighed, but not before saying, "Mini, you may come in." She lifted the crown onto her head. It was heavier than her emerald one that normally laid upon her head.

It was gold, its band lined with white rhinestone. Its tips had champagne-colored diamonds embedded into them.

She felt more powerful than she ever had in the past. It scared her. All of the responsibilities were already causing Aru to tense up. She didn't know if she could do it.

Urvashi had a king to help her. Sure Urvashi could run the country by herself, but she's much older than Aru. She was raised to become queen one day. Aru was just raised to be a smart kid and get a job that made her happy.

"Your highness," Mini curtsied, already back into a formal dress.

"No, no, no. You're not calling me that."

"But, you're the queen now."

"I don't expect to be called highness by my friends. Just because I wear a fancy crown and hold a powerful title doesn't mean you should treat me any different."


"No buts, Mini."


Aiden walked in, and Fischer was right behind him.

"That crown fits you perfectly, Aru," Fischer smiled, walking up to Aru to hug her. He wrapped his arms around her, and he could feel that she was extremely tense. Her arms didn't even come up to hug him back.

"Aru, loosen up," Fischer whispered in her ear.

"I-I can't," Aru said truthfully.

She didn't know how to anymore. That morning everything had been fine! They all had been acting like normal kids. They had snuck out and had fun! They weren't couped up in the castle or attending school.

But suddenly, everything changed. Aru could get struck by lightning and be completely fine, she had admitted her feelings to Aiden and vise versa, and Aru was wearing the queen's crown.

In her mind, she wasn't fit to be able to sit on the throne. She wasn't supposed to even be in the castle. She was just a normal town girl. There was nothing special about her. At least, nothing Aru could think of.

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