~ Chapter 2 ~

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With smiles, (Y/N) and Merida dismounted their horses, Merida sighing and patting her stomach.

"I'm starving. You're hungry too, I guess." (Y/N) chuckled as Angus whipped Merida with his tail in response. "Oats it is then."

~ ~

After feeding Robyn and Angus, the two walk into the kitchen, a few cooks inside working in dinner.

"Good day, Princess." She looked at me with a smile. "Lady (Y/N)

(Y/N) gave her a smile as Merida snatched an apple, hiding it behind her back as another cook walked past before chomping on it, grabbing a plate of sweets as well.

"Your mothers gonna have a fit if she sees you with those." (Y/N) mused, following Merida as she walked towards the dinner hall.

"She'll have a fit no matter." Meridaretored, causing (Y/N) to chuckle again. The two strauted into the dinning hall, Merida throwing her eaten apple in the hall, much to (Y/N)'s dismay.

"I'm gonna have to clean that up, you know." Merida looked at (Y/N) with a cheeky smile, causing her to roll her eyes. "I hate you."

"You love me." (Y/N) rolled her eyes again, but allowed a small smile to grace her features, shaking her head before focusing her attention on the table nearby, where Kind Fergus recalled the Tale of Mor'du again.

"From nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen!" Hubert laid his head on the table, Harris dropping his face on the edge as Hamish mouthed his fathers words in a mocking tone. "Its hide littered with the weapons of fallen warriors. Its face scarred with one dead eye. I threw my sword and..."

With a jump, Merida shouted behind her brothers, scaring the three as (Y/N) chuckled. "WHOOSH! One swipe, his sword shattered, then, CHOMP! Dad's leg was clean off! Down that monster's throat it went."

(Y/N followed Merida as she walked closer to her father, preparing her own scare.

"Awwwwww! That's my favorite part!" Fergus whinned as (Y/N) walked around his seat.

"Mor'du has never been seen since. And he's roaming the wild, awaiting his chance for revenge!" She exclaimed before roaring, her hands raised like bared claws as the boys chuckled.

" Let him return! I'll finish what I gobbled in the first place." The two girls sat in their chairs, (Y/N) hanging her bow around her seat as Merida placed her bow on the table, Elinor immediately noticing.

"Merida, a princess does not place her weapons on the table." Elinor instructed calmly, her eyes on the letters in front of her.

"Ugh, Mum!" Merida groaned, annoyed. "It's just my bow!"

"Ladies should not have weaponry in my opinion." Elinor offhanded replied, not glancing up.

"Leave them be! Princess or not, learning to fight is essential." Fergus cut in, causing both (Y/N) and Merida to smile at him.

"Mom, you'll never guess what we did today." Merida finally mentioned, her tone excited.

"Hmm?" Elinor answered, barely paying attention.

"(Y/N) and I climbed the Crone's Tooth and drank from the Fire Falls." The boys in front of the two gasped as Fergus looked at them.

"Fire Falls? They say only the ancient kings were brave enough to drink the fire." (Y/N) smiled as Fergus laughed and winked at the two, before Elinor spoke again.

"What did you do, dears?" Merida sighed, deflating as (Y/N) shook her head.

"Nothing, mum." Merida answered and Elinor's eyes strayed to her plate.

Change in Fate (Merida x FEMALE!reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ