~ Chapter 6 ~

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1st POV (sorta)

"Michty me! I've just about had enough of you, lass!" You and Merida were all but dragged into the castle and to the closest room, which happened to be yours.

You were pushed inside, stumbling but catching yourself quickly. Merida simply faced her mother, anger nearly steaming off of her. "You're the one that wants me to..."

"You embarrassed them." Eleanor shouted, ignoring Merida. "You embarrassed me."

"I followed the rules!" Merida exclaimed.

"You don't know what you've done! It'll be fire and sword if it's not set right."

You watched the two in a paralyzed state of concern, unable to speak as the two shouted at each other.

"Just listen!" Merida shouted in exasperation, causing Eleanor to scoff.

"I am the Queen! You listen to me!"

Merida picked up a nearby sword, beginning to gesture around with it. "This is so unfair!"

"Unfair?" Eleanor asked, almost in a laugh.

"You're never there for me. This whole marriage is what you want. Do you ever bother to ask what I want?" Merida began to rant, Eleanor finally listening. "No. You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do, trying to make me be like you. Well, I'm not going to be like you."

Eleanor scoffed. "You are acting like a child."

"And you're a beast. That's what you are!" Your eyes widened.

"Merida..." You spoke in a slight warning tone as she moved to the tapestry Eleanor had made. She had hung it there as a temporary home so she could finish it while still keeping it from the triplets and Merida, who was currently poking it with a sword.

"I'll never be like you." She twisted the sword a bit, making you wince.

"No! Stop that!"

"I'd rather die than be like you!" You couldn't help but yelp as Merida tore the tapestry right where Eleanor and Merida were linked, Eleanor gasping.

Neither of the three moved before a rage seemingly engulfed Eleanor as she stormed over to Merida. "Merida, you are a princess, and I expect you to act like one."

In anger, she all but ripped the bow around Merida's back off her, storming towards the fire, stopping as you moved in front of her.

"Please, My Queen, don't do this!" You cried, your handouts in front of you in a defensive position. "Please, Eleanor, don't do this!"

Anger was too anchored into Eleanor's mind to even recognize you as trying to help the situation, taking it as disrespect instead. She pushed you aside and snatched your bow that was by the fire as well.

"I am the Queen!" She nearly shouted. "You respect me! You have been nothing but trouble since we let you stay here! You should be grateful we didn't leave you on the streets!"

You felt your heart practically shatter in your chest, tears welling into your eyes as you and Merida's bow were tossed into the fire. The last thing from your father, gone into a ball of flame.

Tears streaming down your face, you ran out of the room. Merida watched you go, her own tears in her eyes as she ran after you.

"Merida!" Eleanor called, her sudden rage dispersing as she heard the sound of the bow strings snap in the heat. She turned quickly, gasping as she realized what she'd done to Merida. And to what she had said to you.

With a yelp, she pulled the bows from the fire with the poker, covering her mouth as she observed the damage. "What have I done?"

"What have I done?"

~ ~

Merida looked around with tears in her eyes as she searched for you, finding Robyn missing from her padlock. Jumping to the conclusion you were gone, Merida quickly jumped on Angus as rode off in your presumed direction through the woods. 

Angus took off, seemingly just as distressed as Merida was as he weaved carelessly through trees and branches. Merida cried in pain as branches cut at her skin, her grip loosening on Angus mane. "Angus, slow down!"

Suddenly, Angus reared up in fear, throwing Merida off of his back and onto the ground, a panicked shriek leaving your figure sitting on the ground. "Angus!" Merida shouted, looking back at her horse who stood frightened a few feet away. 

"Merida! Are you alright?" You cried, kneeling by her side in seconds. Your appearance was disheveled, your eyes still watery and dirt on part of your face.

"I'm fine, what about you?" Merida asked, gently taking your face in her hands through her concern. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine." You nodded, looking around at the large stones surrounding you both. "Where....are we?"

"I...I don't know." Merida replied, the two of you standing. Outside the ring of stones, Angus and Robyn anxiously snorted at the two, a sudden whisper causing you to turn and gasp slightly. 

"Merida, look." Merida turned as well, gasping softly at the wisp floating in between two rocks. She stepped forwards towards the wisp, causing it to disappear and reappear a few feet out, a trail going through the woods. 

Merida moved to step forwards, nodding back towards Angus. "Come on Angus." Angus nickered, hiding behind a rock and earning a high pitched neigh from Robyn. "Angus!"

You chuckled softly as Angus snorted, causing Merida to scoff before beginning to trudge along. You followed, Robyn trotting around the rocks to meet you both. Angus neighed before running after her, trailing behind you both as you followed the wisps. 

You brushed away a few stray tears as you walked, an ache in your chest still hurting from Eleanor's words. You were unable to keep the sniffles from leaving your nose, making Merida turn her head slightly and take ahold of your hand.

She didn't say anything, and you preferred she hadn't. You didn't want to talk about what happened, finding much more comforting to walk further into the woods after the wisps. However, you were unable to ignore the strange feeling building in your chest.

Finally, the wisps disappeared  in front of a small cottage door, leaving you and Merida standing in front of it cautiously. "Why would the wisps lead us here?" You asked softly, looking at Merida. 

"I'm not sure." Merida replied. "But it must be in our fate."

"Or our death." You cut, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll protect ye, don't worry." You sighed but nodded, watching fearfully as Merida raised a fist and knocked on the door.

~ ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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