~ Chapter 3 ~

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(Y/N) POV (sorta)

Opening the door to Merida's room, you sighed as she smacked her sword into her bed frame, making your way to her side.

"Are you alright?" You ask gently, sitting on her bed. Merida didn't answer, only shouting aggressively before throwing the sword aside, collapsing in the bed. "I'll take that as a no, then."

Before Merida could reply, her door opened again and Eleanor walked in. "Mother!" Merida exclaimed. "Suitors? Marriage?"

"Once there was an ancient kingdom." Eleanor began, ignoring Merida.

"Ah, mom! Ancient kingdom?" Merida immediately complained, earning a slight smile from you.

"It's name long forgotten, ruled by a wise and fair king who was much beloved." Eleanor continued, not listening to Merida as she gathered a chess board and four chess peices. "And when he grew old, he divided the kingdom among his four sons. That they should be the pillars on which their piece of land rested."

You watched as Eleanor sat the four pieces, three white and one black, evenly apart before setting the board atop of them. "But the oldest prince wanted to rule the land for himself, he followed his own path and the kingdom fell," With a hand, Eleanor smacked the black piece from beneath the board, and the other pieces and board fell in turn. "From war and chaos and ruin."

"That's a nice story." Merida remarked sarcastically, making you elbow her arm slightly.

"It's not just a story, Merida." You remarked calmly. "Legends are lessons and they ring with truths."

"Ach, (Y/N)." Merida flopped back onto her bed, making you chuckle.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." Eleanor spoke. "I would advise you to make your peace with this. The clans are coming to present their suitors."

"It's not fair!" Merida exclaimed.

"Oh, Merida! It's marriage, it's not the end of the world." You sighed as Eleanor left the room, Merida standing and slamming the door shut behind her.

~ ~

Eleanor sat in her room, working on her tapestry of the family, muttering as she did. The triplets sat in front of Fergus, who had a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N)'s hand linked with Merida, who's hand was linked with Eleanor.

As Fergus entered their room, he immediately heard his wifes incoherent mutters, a slight smile appearing on his face. "You're muttering." He hummed, making Eleanor shake her head.

"I don't mutter." She retaliated in annoyance, making Fergus chuckle.

"Aye, you do." He replied. "You mutter, lass, when something's troubling you."

"I blame you." Eleanor exclaimed, exasperated. "Stubborness is entirely from your side of the family."

Fergus laughed a bit, sitting down on the bed behind Eleanor. "I take it the talk didn't go too well."

"I don't know what to do." She sighed.

"Speak to her, dear." Fergus implored, making Eleanor scoff once again.

"I do speak to her, she just doesn't listen!"

"Come on, now. Pretend I'm Merida. Speak to me." Fergus spoke. "What would you say?"

Eleanor sighed, looking at Fergus for a second before breaking. "I can't do this!"

"Sure you can." Eleanor gave Fergus an unamused look, causing him to point in slight excitement. "There! There! There's my queen! Right, here we go." Fergus took a deep breath, before beginning to speak in a raspy, feminine voice. "I don't want to get married! I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen, firing arrows into the sunset with (Y/N)."

Change in Fate (Merida x FEMALE!reader)Where stories live. Discover now