~ Chapter 4 ~

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(Y/N) POV (sorta)

With a neutral yet concerned face, you stood beside Merida's empty throne, watching the triplets as they cut half of a sleeping guard's mustache, escaping just in time as he shot up in slight confusion. Finding nothing different, he leaned back against his axe and fell asleep once again.

'Aye, they're coming!" Your head snapped back to attention as the castle around you began to bustle in preparation. Eleanor, Fergus and Merida walked to the thrones, Fergus and Merida clearly annoyed as Eleanor tried hurrying them along.

"Places everyone, places!" You sat on the side on Merida's throne as she slumped in her seat as well, Fergus slumping into his throne as well.

Eleanor moved in front of Merida's throne, motioning for both of you to sit up. You obliged, as did Merida with more attitude. Then, she stuffed the hair you pulled out back into Merida's cap before turning her attention to you, fixing a few stray hairs away from your face.

Taking her mothers distraction, Merida pulled the bright orange curl back out from her cap and moved it in front of her eye. However, it didn't last long, Eleanor quickly and simply pushed it back in the cap. As Eleanor walked to her throne and sat gracefully, Merida scowled and pulled the curl back over her face, causing you to giggle at her behavior.

Clearly trying to make everything perfect, Eleanor begins brushing off Fergus' coat, earning an annoyed scoff. "I look fine, woman!" He exclaimed. "Leave me be!"

"My lord!" Quickly, you looked forward as a guard moved in front of the door, your posture changing instinctively as you looked straight ahead in slight fear. "I want to announce the arrival of the lords-"

You winced as the man was sent flying by the large doors opening, bagpipes echoing around the walls playing a lively song as the three lords, their sons and their men. The once spacious throne room became very quickly loud and crowded, with Merida looking absolutely miserable. You couldn't blame her, you felt miserable as you observed the annoying amount of people in the room.

"Oy!" One of the lords, Dinglewall, snapped his fingers. One of his men quickly ran up with a stool, placing it at his feet for him to be 'equally' tall with the other lords.

Finally, Fergus stood and the bagpipes ceased, as did the loud commotion, which you were thankful for. "So!" He began, his tone radiating uncertainty. "Here we are!"

You shared a concerned look with Merida as Fergus continued to struggle. "Er...the four clans! Gathering! For..."

Eleanor stood with an annoyed sigh, helping Fergus. "The presentation of the suitors!"

"The presentation of the suitors!" Fergus repeated, to the cheers of the lords. Besides you, Merida sighed and slumped in her chair, causing you to place a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"Clan Macintosh!"

"Your majesty,' Macintosh began, an arrogant tone lacing his voice. "I present my heir and sire, who defended our land from the northern invaders and, with his own sword, stabbed and vanquished thousands more!"

Macintosh's son stepped forwards, displaying sword skills to the clan's cheers, displaying his muscles and sending a wink Merida's way. You frowned slightly, moving your hand out of view of the clans, clenching it to release the anger swelling in your chest while staying as neutral as possible.

"Clan MacGuffin!"

"Your majesty, I present my eldest son, who scuttled the Viking warships with his bare hands. Vanquished two thousand more." Beside MacGuffin, his son, a taller fellow who looked very similar to his father, crushed a log in his bare hands. You stared, unimpressed by the son but at least was more impressed than Macintosh's spoiled son.

Change in Fate (Merida x FEMALE!reader)Where stories live. Discover now