~ Chapter 5 ~

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3rd POV

A little ways away from the castle, in an open field, tents were raised high in the air surrounded by people. Spirits, most of them at least, were high as clansmen spoke, ate and participated in games.

A bit away from the tents, a man ran forward and threw a log into the air. It sailed for a few moments before landing right on an unsuspecting man's foot, his friend groaning at his shout of agony.

Several games of strength take place around the field, including the man who was thought to be Dingwalls son pulling three men down in tug o war with ease.

In an open space, a ball lands on the grass and is easily knocked away, hitting a bagpipe player straight in the face.

Children scream in joy as a man lowers a bear on a stick, taunting them as they smack the fake animal with sticks.

Near another tent, Maudie holds a plate of sweet rolls in her hands whilst flirting with a stranger in front of her, unaware of the triplets above the tent plotting to steal the plate. Hubert, with a rope tied around his waist, snatches a few sweet rolls before his brothers pull him up in time for Maudie to not spot him.

Maudie looks around in slight confusion before shrugging the noise off, however catches sight of Hubert as he snatches another three. Before Hubert could return and successfully grab more, Maudie moves and causes the three to all fall into a barrel, huffing as she slammed the plate of sweets on top of the barrel.

"Now! I have told you! You are not allowed to- '' Before she could continue, the barrel began moving at a fast speed, the sweet rolls still on top.

Quickly, Maudie begins to pursue the boys, but fails after tripping, the boys escaping successfully.

A little ways away, a large bear horn began to blare, the dogs howling beneath it to signify the start of the games.

~ ~

(Y/N) sat on the arm of Merida's throne, thankful to be off her feet for the time being. However, Merida's bow and arrow behind her didn't make her feel any better.

"It's time." Fergus exclaimed, the bear horn echoing across the plains. (Y/N)'s hands began drumming against her arms as she did her best to act as normal as possible, clearly failing as Merida placed her hand on her shaky one, giving (Y/N) a comforting smile.

As she looked back at the games, a reddish hue made an appearance on the (Y/N)'s face, which she tried hiding to the best of her ability.

"Archers to your marks!" Eleanor shouted, standing with Fergus at her side.

"Aye! Archers to your marks!" Fergus copied with a smile.

"And may the lucky arrow find its target!" The crowd cheered in excitement, with the three clans about 20 feet from the target. (Y/N)'s nose wrinkled in disgust at Macintosh's son as he winked into the crowd, earning swoonful cheers from ladies.

MaGuffin's son stood shyly with the bow in hand and his father beside him. However, when (Y/N)'s eyes moved to Dinglewall's son, she winced as if in pain.

Dingwalls son held the bow weakly in his hand while pulling the string forwards before releasing it repeatedly with a bored look.

"Oi, get on with it!" Fergus finally shouted, slumping into his chair.

With a deep breath, MaGuffin's son took a step forward and notched the arrow in the string. He pulled his hand back, and...

His arrow missed the target completely, landing behind it and earning a sigh from himself and his father.

"I bet he wishes he was tossing cabers." Merida joked, making (Y/N) smile and stifling her laughter.

"Or holding up bridges." Fergus joked as well, the three chuckling, much to Eleanors display.

Next up was Macintosh's son, and as he notched his arrow, he flipped his hair dramatically before aiming. As he pulled back and fired the arrow, a slight smirk of triumph lit up (Y/N)'s face as he barely hit the side of the target. A scream of anger left the son as he began waving the bow around during a tantrum.

"At least you hit the target!" Macintosh shouted to his son, to no avail.

"That's attractive." (Y/N) couldn't help but sarcastically remark, earning a snort from Fergus.

After a moment, Macintosh's son threw the bow into the crowd, and a hand in the back reached up quickly and grabbed it. "I got it!"

"Good arm." Merida commented, to the cheers of the clansmen.

"And such lovely flowing locks." The three began to laugh before Eleanor reached over and smacked Fergus.


"What?" Fergus exclaimed, still laughing as he tried to act innocent.

(Y/N) watched pitifully at Dingwalls son as he tried notching the arrow several times, only for it to move away from the target about three times. "Aw, wee lamb."

(Y/N) gently nudged Merida with a slight laugh, looking back at Dingwalls son with a slightly bored expression. The son failed to notch the arrow a few more times before Fergus finally huffed.

"Oh come on!" Fergus finally shouted. "Shoot the arrow!"

In suprise, he let go of the string and sent the arrow flying straight into the center of the target. (Y/N)'s mouth dropped open in surprise, as well as Fergus's. Even Eleanor looked shocked at the results.

"Well..." Fergus started, much to (Y/N)'s dismay. "That's just grand now, isn't it? Guess who's coming to dinner."

"Fergus!" Eleanor chastised, elbowing him in the side.

"By the way, hope you don't mind being called lade Ding..." Fergus turned, only being met by Y/N who wore a fake smile, and one of his dogs practically laying across her lap, panting.

Y/N scanned the crowd for the red haired princess, gently petting the dog on her lap anxiously. Sure, she knew what Merida was planning, however it didn't help her anxiousness.

On the side of the field where Macintosh had shot his arrow, a hooded figure set up a pole with the DunBroch clan symbol. Standing tall and discarding her cloak, revealing Merida. Her hair was no longer stuck in her cap, flowing in the wind freely as she spoke.

"I am Merida. First born descendant of Clan Dun Broch." She turned, staring at Eleanor. "And I'll be shooting for my own hand!"

"What are you doing!" Merida turned and faced the first target. "Merida!"

She raised her bow, attempting to pull her arm back but finding it difficult to do so because of her dress. "Ugh, curse this dress!"

She lifted her arms, ripping the dress and revealing the white corset beneath her at the seams, much to the gasps of the crowds.

She re-raised her bow and took her position, letting the arrow loose. It hit the center with ease, causing the crowd to gasp as she moved to the other targets.

Eleanor stood, anger seeping off of her as she stormed across the field towards her daughter. "Merida, stop this!"

Without stopping, she notched her next arrow and fired, hitting the target dead center once again.

Finally, she stopped at the final target, notching her arrow and pulling back. "Merida, I forbid it!"

Y/N watched with bated breath, her eyes wide as Merida aimed at the arrow dead in the target. "Merida!"

Ignoring her mother, Merida took a breath and fired. The arrow spun in the air, before splitting right through the arrow, breathing through the target and lodging in the base.

Y/N couldn't help but stare with her mouth slightly agape, watching as Merida turned and face her mother, the two glaring at each other with a frightening ferocity.

~ ~
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, guys! School has just been such a pain, but I'll try and update more!

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