~Chapter 8~

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Video above is not mine, just thought that it suits the book


Y/n blinked. Once. Twice. To get her brain to function again. What the fuck? His lips weren't moving. Hers neither. But DreamXD had to admit that he quite liked this. A blush spread on her face. When she pulled away, he immediately chased her lips with a whine, bumping their lips together clumsily once again. What was happening? Why did he kiss her? Does he...like her? She tried to pull away once again, this time successfully. His mask fell down on his face, he wasn't holding it up anymore.
"Wha- XD, why- why did you do that?"
"You're my favourite human. I like you so I kissed you of course."
"That's- I..." She stuttered, she didn't know what to do or how to reply to that. And his next question completely caught her off the guard.
"Do you like me, Y/n?" How is she supposed to answer this? XD patiently waited till she replied, his eyes focused on the h/c girl in front of him.
"I...do like you but- you're a God, XD. And I'm a mere human." She looked up and met his gaze.
"It doesn't matter that I'm a God and you're a human. I can change that anyway."

"Your mortality. I found a way to make you immortal."
"Say what?" Her face was... unreadable? "How?"
"Uh, you might not like this but...Okay. You have to sacrifice all of your remaining lives and the chance of you getting immortality is not that high. However, since you're under my protection, the chances are higher." XD explained, getting her mind occupied with new information.
"Wait wait wait, so you're telling me that I might die if the ritual won't work?"
"Yeah." A nod.
"Hmmm." She was already consumed in her world of thoughts. XD understood that she needs some time to think so he let her. She needed to think about it. If I become immortal, I'll get to be with XD forever, but I have to watch others die of the old age? I don't want that..."XD, I don't think I want that." His shoulders slumped down in disappointment.
"Why?" His voice was small, sad.
"I can't- I don't think I'd like to watch others age as I stay immortal, that would hurt. It wouldn't be fair."

"But you'll have me by your side..."
"I just don't know what to do." Y/n let out a shaky sigh, hiding her face with her hands. XD felt like a kicked puppy. "Just gimme some time to think, alright? I need some time to think." Well, at least it's not a complete rejection. He nodded weakly, she could tell that he was sad. She didn't like seeing him sad. Y/n quickly pulled him in a hug to get him to cheer up a little. He just buried his masked face in the crook of her neck, enjoying the moment. The girl combed his hair with her fingers, gaining a pleased hum from XD. He stayed like that for several seconds before dropping back on the mattress of her bed, dragging her along with himself. She yelped, surprised, but quickly calmed down as he wrapped his arm around her and snuggled closer to her, spooning her from behind. She felt him shift uncomfortably and didn't even notice that he removed his mask since it bothered him. Until she felt his breath fanning her neck. Y/n blinked, she was about to turn around but stopped herself.

"You can turn around, I don't mind." He stated. Her brows knitted together as she shifted on the bed, turning around so she was facing him now. His eyes. They were the exact copy of Ender eyes but a lot shinier. Faded freckles on his cheeks, sandy brown hair locks falling over his  half-lidded shining eyes. "Hi."
"Um, hi." She flashed him a small smile, he returned it, the corners of his lips curling up a little.
"You're still thinking?"
"Uh yeah." The h/c girl nodded and the  God hummed.

"Think, little one, think." She just stared at him. His face to be exact. How... breathtakingly handsome. He had a sharp jawline, his freckles just matched his bright eyes just right. No flaws. His deep voice, that always sent chills down her spine, in a good way. His soft touches, his protectiveness, his will to do everything for her. How he wanted her to be safe, relaxed, how he even killed someone to protect her. How he cared so much when she got sick, thinking it was his fault and doing everything she wanted him to do. She couldn't stop the train of her thoughts.  She...liked him, wanted to be with him but again, would she abandon her buddies to live with a God and become one? Hm, maybe. But she wasn't sure about it. "Y/n?" She snapped out of her daze by the help of his voice.

"What's up?"
"You've been looking at my...lips for the past 3 minutes." Oh. Well. She flushed beetroot red under his gaze.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize where I was looking at. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"
"No wait, I mean it's alright. You're more than free to look at me." He grinned, amused. She dipped her head down and hid her flushed face in his chest. It drew a light laugh from XD.
"Shut up, dumbass." She mumbled, he quieted down, getting her hand into his and pressing a small kiss on the back of it. She blinked once, staring at him. She blushed a beetroot red, melting under his gaze. How could she not fall for someone like him? It was impossible. Maybe...she would actually agree to host that ritual. Who knows? But what if it fails? No, let's not think negatively. She noticed that his eyes were locked with her e/c ones.

The moment was interrupted by Patches, climbing onto the bed, laying down between the pair. Y/n giggled, retracing her hand from XD's grasp, earning a whine from him. She patted the cat's head, causing Patches to purr. Looking up, she noticed a small pout playing on XD's lips. Y/n rolled her eyes but ultimately let him get her free hand and hold it. His wing covered the kitten between them, so she felt warm and comfortable. He fell asleep holding her hand. He looked so cute like this. She couldn't help but smile at this, her chest feeling warm and fuzzy with affection. Patches added even more wholesomeness to the scene. She wanted to capture this moment forever. She couldn't really sleep, she woke up not too long ago. Her eyes darted to the clock, it was 3:56 PM. She yet had to prepare something for dinner. She will do it later. Yep, later.


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