with Brooklyn and celeste

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With Brooklyn at the cafe waiting for her water, she looked around and saw parents with their kids, Brooklyn smiled and can't wait to experience motherhood herself, Brooklyn looked up when someone sat at her table and it was

Brooklyn:aria,what do you want (says glaring at her)

Aria: I came to see how you're doing, oh and here's your water (says)

Brooklyn:( grabs her water) and why

Aria: because you are holding my future stepdaughter one day if I marry Stefan (said calmly)

Brooklyn: and what makes you think I would allow you anywhere near my daughter in the first place (says)

Aria: because we are going to spend a lot of time together (says)

Brooklyn: look I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but you're not seeing my daughter ever and we are not spending time together (she says, Brooklyn was about to drink her water when she smelled wolfsbane and vervain mixed together, Brooklyn looked up and saw aria trying not to look at her)

Brooklyn:(gets up)

Aria: are you not going to drink your water (says looking at her)

Brooklyn: I'm not thirsty anymore (says and heads out)

Brooklyn headed to James and Celeste house oh, she knocked on the door and Celeste answered it

Celeste: and what can I do for the hybrid mama (smirks)

Brooklyn: no time for jokes celeste I need your help (says walking past her)

Celeste: and what is it (says closing the door following her to the living room)

Brooklyn: I need your help to kill aria (says)

Celeste:why (ask)

Brooklyn: because today she tried to poison me with Vervain and Wolfsbane in my water (says)

Celeste: wow (shocks) and how are you going to kill her

Brooklyn: I don't know that's why I came here (says)

Celeste: uh how about hanging her to her death oh, snap her neck, pull her heart out or drown her ( suggest)

Brooklyn: I want her death to be slow and painful, I'm going with drowning her (says)

Celeste: okay drowning it is when are you planning on getting her (ask)

Brooklyn: tonight I'll set everything up and you go get her (says)

Celeste: and what's in it for me (ask)

Brooklyn: you can keep your city again (says)

Celeste:(thinks about it) fine you have a deal

Brooklyn: perfect (says smirking)

Later at night aria was heading home, she got out her car and headed to the door when she heard something she looked to see no one and turn around and saw Celeste

Celeste: hello aria (says and knocks aria out) goodnight aria

An hour later aria woke up and saw her in a cage once again above water

Aria: what's going on, hello is anyone there (yells out)

No one can hear you

Aria turned and saw Brooklyn

Aria: Brooklyn what's going on (ask)

Brooklyn: don't act like you don't know what you did (says walking up to her)

Aria: what did I do please tell me Brooklyn (says looking at her)

Brooklyn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now