Vibrating panties | jjk

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"C'mon, can you please tell me why?" You whined, pouting your lips as you looked up at your deadpanned-expression boyfriend, Jungkook . He hooks his index finger under your chin, pouting mockingly, "Because, I want you to, carrot." You sighed, resting your head on his chest and taking the panties from his other hand. "Okay.. I'll wear them," you grumbled, rolling your eyes at the devilish smirk that curved along his lips.

You held Jungkook's hand as you walked into the prestigious restaurant, aww-ing and ooh-ing at the fancily decorated lights.

"You like it?" He grins, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

"Yeah, it's really pretty," you nodded, waiting in the lobby for a waiter to come and seat you both. When the time came, you followed them to a seat toward the back, sitting across from Gukk.
"Hm, I love seats in the back, "Gukk comments randomly, tracing a random circle on the table before a click sound is heard.

And as you thought, a mild vibration whirs between your thighs, making you clench them together.

"G-gukk." you whisper, giving him your best glare while he only smirked in response. "What is it, doll? Cat got your tongue?"

You groaned at his response, nesting your head in the crest of your arms.

A sadist, that's what he was, he truly adored seeing you struggle when it came to sexual situations, like now. Another click is heard and the vibrations up in intensity, prompting you to swallow down any moans that could escape you.

"You're awfully quiet, babygirl." The way the pet name rolled off of his tongue simply shook you to your core, which wasn't helping the fact that you were sitting directly on top of a vibrating piece.

"D-don't be a wise-ass," you grumbled, your nails biting into the skin of your palm, and your fists being squeezed hard enough to the point where they turn white.

"Watch your mouth, because I'm the one controlling when you can cum, pet."

You nodded, raising your head and almost immediately looking down when gazing into his It's only been a few minutes, but the way he was darker ones. fiddling with the remote was making your stomach stir.He could have you on the edge one moment and have you feeling empty the other.

"Pl-please.please please let me cum, Daddy," you looked up into his eyes again, whimpering quietly as he edged you for the nth time in less than 30 minutes.

As if being saved by the bell, a waiter came to take your order for drinks.

"What'll you both be having tonight?" Jeongguk hummed as he skimmed through the options, "Can I have a shot of soju and some cola, please?"

A moment of silence is heard so you pick up your head, weakly saying you wanted a cola as well before letting it fall back on the table. As soon as the waiter leaves, the vibe is turned back on, making you jolt.

"You're close, aren't you, pet?"

Your hand found itself between your thighs, discreetly circling your middle finger over your puffy and swollen clit, mewling as your climax bubbled in your stomach, aching almost.

Jungkook bit the inside of his cheek at the sight of you, shifting his gaze around before looking down at your trembling stature.

"Hey, carrots?" He calls for you, turning the toy off, only for a moment though.

"Y-y-yes, Daddy?" You stammered profusely, letting your thighs clamp shut.
"Men's bathroom. 30 seconds, got it?" He whispers, caressing a strand of your hair, to which you nod.

"Good girl. Now count, I don't wanna be waiting long."

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