Little Moments

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~15 years ago~

"Diluc!" A little girl called out, running through the hallways of Dawn Winery. "Diluc!"

Running through the large and elegant mansion, you waved your hands at the maids and butlers who were cleaning up around the area. They gave their own wave with a welcoming smile as they were used to you popping in around the mansion to look for your best friend Diluc.

"Y/n?" A red-haired boy peeked his head through a doorway, his red eyes curiously staring at the girl calling out his name.

"Hello y/n," a man walked out from the room to greet you. "Do you want to play with Diluc?"

"If its fine with you Mr. Ragnivindr," you giggled when you looked up at your father-like figure.

"Its fine with me," Diluc's dad smiled towards his son who had perked up after hearing his approval.

"Lets go," Diluc grabbed your hand before pulling you along with him towards the doors of the mansion.

"Do you even know where I want to bring you?" You questioned as you tugged your arm back.

Diluc avoided your teasing gaze as his face started to flush with embarrassment, "No... I was just excited to see you. Sorry."

"Come on," you laughed before leading him opposite of where the both of you had been running. "Lets go.

Bringing him along with you towards a pathway near the winery, you pulled his arm to pressure him to go faster. You were excited and couldn't help but want him to hurry up to see what you wanted to show him.

"Slow down," Diluc tried to tell you which you had ignored.

"Come on, come on," you pushed.

Soon enough, after a few minutes of jogging, the two of you stood in front of a tree. Climbing up the trunk of the tree, to Diluc's concern, you waved at him from the intersection of the branches and the trunk. There was a nest nestled in between with a young baby hawk sleeping.

Finally climbing down, Diluc saw the baby bird in your hands and stared at the neatly tied bandages on its wing.

"What happened?" He asked as he placed his hand out for you to put the baby in his hand.

"I don't know," you replied, placing it on his hands. "I found it here in the path when I was walking to the mansion."

Diluc who seemed to pity the young bird offered, "Do you want to take care of it?"

Your eyes sparkling with joy, "Yes! It can be like our little baby."

"Yea," Diluc smiled, a light blush on his cheeks when he saw how happy you looked.

The two of you kneeled down just in time for the baby bird to wake up and hop around Diluc's hand. Not realizing how small his hand was as a kid, the bird flopped on the ground, its beak somewhat stuck in the soil. Abruptly moving its head to release its beak from the confines of the dirt, it fell on its wing and chirped in pain.

"Oh no," you cried out, worried about the little hawk. "Diluc what do we do?"

"Umm," he stuttered. "Maybe we should have a healer check out its wing?"

"Oh," you replied, your face downcast. "I know that seems like the best option but I sort of want to keep this to ourselves. Like a little secret the two of us share."

Widening his eyes when he saw your face, he quickly changed his answer and offered, "I'm sure we can come here to take care if it every day and give it food."

"Really!" You exclaimed, perking up from your earlier downcast face.

Diluc nodded his head, happy to see your smiling face. Honestly speaking, he was glad that you wanted it to be a secret between the two of you. It made him happy that he knew something that only you and him knew.

It made him ecstatic to have a way to keep your connection with him. An extra thing that would connect the two of you together.

"What should we name it?" You asked.

"Dawn," Diluc smiled as he lightly pet the head of the bird. "What do you think?"

"I like it," you grinned. "Your name will be Dawn."

The two of you sat below the tree, eyes of the young little hawk who was hoping around. Casually feeding it some bread pieces that you had secretly brought along with you, both you and Diluc lovingly gazed at the little bird who was now your secret.

Soon enough, days had passed since you had first introduced the hawk to Diluc and at this point in time, the tree had been the spot that you two of you would go to so that you could meet in secret.

"Look Diluc," you pulled him down by the sleeve. "I think Dawn's wing is healed."

True to your word, Dawn moved its wing around and chirped at the two of you. During the time that you had come to take care of Dawn, the young bird had looked forward to your visits and trusted both you and Diluc as if the three of you were a family.

"Dawn," Dilic grinned. "Your wing is all healed."

Chirping in reply, it hopped all over Diluc's hand and moved its wings in a way like it was dancing with joy.

"I'm so happy for you Dawn," you cheered the hawk on.

"What should we do now?" Diluc asked you.

Turning your head to avoid making eye contact with Diluc, you stood up slowly, "Sorry but I have to go. I'll see you next time."

"Umm," Diluc watched you, confused with your new mood. "Ok then. See you tomorrow."

However, little did the young boy know that you wouldn't return to him anytime soon.

A week had passed and you hadn't returned to the tree.

Soon enough, a month went by and no sign of you.

Finally, a year had gone by and neither Diluc nor Dawn had seen you. Despite all his repeated attempts to try and find you, running and calling your name, constantly returning to the tree, asking his father if he heard any news of you, he could never find you.

It was like you had disappeared just like snow when spring comes.

You had disappeared just as suddenly as you had appeared.

I decided to post a little earlier than planned so I hope you enjoy this prologue chapter!

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