Brotherly Conflict

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Diluc’s face turned dark as soon as Lumine mentioned about the Fatui being involved in the situation. You could feel your heart rate increase as you saw the dark fire of hate and revenge burning in Diluc’s eyes. 

Thump thump. Thump thump. Placing your hand over your heart, you could feel sweat pouring down your face as you could feel the intense aura of hate radiating from Diluc.

“Explain to me the situation on the way,” Diluc started. “Let’s get going to our headquarters. I’m sure that that’s the place that you want to bring me to.”

“As expected of Master Diluc,” Paimon grinned. 

“Do you want to accompany me y/n?” Diluc looked at you, the hate that you felt immediately disappearing. “I’m joining this mission for a personal matter. If you don’t want to come, you don’t have to but it would be nice if you were to have my back like the past times that we fought together.”

You looked up to the man that you had been accompanying for the past weeks. His usual emotionless face was now filled with hate that was undoubtedly directed towards the Fatui. But, underneath that hate, you could see a glint of loneliness. It seemed like he wanted you to come. 

Weighing your options, you thought of the various possibilities that were open to you. To run away from the problem, you could simply agree to not going. However, your heart was telling you to accompany Diluc to assist him especially after everything that he has done for you. It was the smarter option not to go considering the consequences that you knew you would have to deal with however, you couldn’t seem to say no.

After a moment of hesitation, you looked towards the ground lightly rubbing your arm, “Ok… I’ll accompany you.”

It was a terrible decision, you clearly knew that but when you saw that glint in his eyes, you couldn’t help but agree to his request. Regrettably, it seems that you had gotten much softer during the time that you had spent with him.

“I don’t think that y/n should come,” Paimon crossed her arms while shaking her head. “We don’t know much about her and she may just hold us back during the mission to rescue Jean. We can’t take any risks.”

“I’m willing to swear on my name and on my blade that y/n won’t hold us back,” Diluc told Paimon with a look of confidence shining on his face.


“I’ve fought side-by-side with y/n and I can guarantee that she won’t hold us back. I have a feeling that she’ll be of great help to us,” Diluc continued.

Lumine thought for a second before finally agreeing, “If you say so. I’ll trust your intuition.”

“Lumine!” Paimon exclaimed. “Are you sure about this?”

“I’ll trust Diluc on this matter,” Lumine said decisively. “If he says that y/n can be of help, I won’t argue.”

“Thank you Lumine,” you said solemnly knowing that you can’t back out now. “...You won’t be disappointed.”

Lumine stared at you with aching suspicion while Diluc looked at you with gratefulness. He gave you one of his rare smiles and with that, you were willing to deal with the consequences however harsh they may be. For an unknown reason, your usually stagnant heart was moved by Diluc and as a repayment for new feelings and emotion, you decided to fight by his side even though it may lead to your undeniable death.

“Let’s get going then,” Paimon started flying to the door that Lumine opened.

The four of you headed to the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius and went inside the office of the Acting Grand Master. The feeling in the room was grim as the other four people in the room stared at you all.

Kaeya narrowed his eyes towards you, a complete change from how he had acted when he first met you. You gave a little awkward smile before Kaeya turned his gaze towards his brother.

Before Diluc was even given the chance to introduce you to everyone in the room, Kaeya slammed his hand on the table catching everyone's attention.

“Bringing your little girlfriend into this problem,” Kaeya scoffed coldly.

“She is currently my partner,” Diluc glared at his brother. “And I’m sure that she will be of great help to us.”

“Seriously!” Kaeya laughed. “You have the nerve to join us despite only coming to eradicate the Fatui and you also invited this stranger. How do I know that you’re not going to put Jean’s life in danger with your sick chase for revenge.”

“If you didn’t want me here then you shouldn’t have relented to Miss Lumine,” Diluc replied, his eyes growing colder with each passing second. “And you know very well that I may just be the only person that can help you with my numerous number of connections. I may only be here to eradicate Fatui but I'm not the type to put another person's life in danger. You know that well Kaeya.”

Clicking his tongue, Kaeya slumped into a chair, his head leaning against the backrest. The room grew quiet again and the air became even more tense than it had been earlier. 

You and the others looked at each other not knowing what to do with the argument that Diluc and Kaeya had. Seeing that it was an argument between siblings, the rest of you silently concluded that it would be the best to leave them alone.

After a few minutes, a loud knock broke the silence and Eula went to open the door.

“A Fatui envoy had given a letter to one of our knights saying to give it to the Acting Grand Master,” a knight placed his arm over his chest.

“I’ll take it for you,” Lisa took charge and took the letter from the man.


“No buts sweetie,” Lisa gave a terrifying smile.

Seeing this, the knight fled in fright and the eight of you were left in the office.

Opening the letter, Lisa read the contents out loud, “If you want your beloved Acting Grand Master back, return the 12th Harbinger y/n to us.”

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