Suspicious Individuals

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"What do you mean a new Fatui Harbinger," Diluc slowly spoke. "Where did you get this information?"

"So I was right," Kaeya's face suddenly became serious. "You didn't know."

"Tell me where did you get this information. Is it trustworthy?"

Kaeya's eyes glinted the moment Diluc questioned the trustworthiness of his statement, "I don't know for sure but I overheard the Fatui diplomats that were staying here talking about a new Harbinger that the Tsaritsa appointed."

"How did I not know of this information," Diluc wondered aloud to the amusement of his blue haired brother.

Diluc wondered about the news that Kaeya had shared with him. He knew better than to trust what Kaeya says but, at the same time, it seemed like information that wasn't worth lying about.

"Apparently the said Harbinger has been under training until now," Kaeya shrugged his shoulders. "Now I wonder what you'll do about it."

"Its simple," Diluc narrowed his eyes as he spotted a hint of fear shining in Kaeya's eyes. "Unlike you inefficient Knights, I'll defeat any Fatui who stands in my way. Be it an agent or a Harbinger, I'll destroy any Fatui."

Standing up and walking towards the door, Diluc left a tense Kaeya resting his head in the counter, "I'm not surprised that he still hates the Fatui even to this day."

Diluc walked out of the city and towards the carriage that was awaiting him outside the city entrance. It was an interesting day to say the least. First he had to deal with an egotistical nobleman and then he heard disliked news from his brother.

Could his day get any more troublesome?

"Master Diluc," the coachman opened the door for the red head that was walking towards him.

"Go on ahead of me," Diluc walked past the carriage. "I'll walk back to the mansion. I need to sort out my thoughts first."

"Of course Master Diluc," he bowed in respect. "Please take care and enjoy your walk."

With that, the horses galloped away and in the area, Diluc was left alone to ponder his thoughts. One step forward and he immediately brought his mind back to processing what Kaeya had hold him.

Diluc despised the Fatui. That was a fact that everyone who knew him knew. He hated the Fatui with a passion. After all, they were the ones who had killed his father.

With the news that Kaeya had told him, Diluc had wondered how he would approach this. If Kaeya had heard that fact from the Fatui diplomats that were staying in Mondstadt, he was pretty confident that what Kaeya was telling him was the truth. He knew that Kaeya would never lie to him or joke to him about matters involving the Fatui.

Now at this point in time, the thing that Diluc needed to do was collect information on this secret 12th Harbinger. When it comes to the Fatui - his biggest enemy - he needed all the information that he could get. After all, only a fool would just jump into a fight without knowing at least somewhat of their enemy.

The Fatui was without a doubt a powerful enemy. The Harbingers of Tsaritsa were a force to be reckoned with. Even if one was powerful, you shouldn't fight carelessly against them.

Although Diluc was usually indifferent in matters, he wouldn't go through his day without collecting more information on his enemy. Who knows what could happen.

After a while of walking, he had finally made it past Springville and was on his way closer to his destination of Dawn Winery.

"...What?" Diluc questioned as he saw a figure swinging a spear through his peripheral vision.

Silently sneaking up on the figure, Diluc's eyes widened when he realized who had been swinging the spear around. It has been the girl that he had fought with earlier when the abyss mages had attacked.

Before Diluc could do anything, the girl that Diluc had watched suddenly disappeared. Trusting his reflexes, Diluc summoned his claymore Wolf's Gravestone and shielded his back.

Soon enough, a impact resounded through his arm and against his claymore was a pale blue and silver spear.

"Who are you," the girl holding the spear said with cold eyes as she pushed more pressure onto Diluc by using her core muscles.

Diluc gritted his teeth and backed away leaving a space between the two. You twirled your spear in wait for what the red headed man would do next.

'Wait for your opponents next move if you didn't know who they were' had been one of the lessons that your teacher had taught you. One shouldn't rush into a fight blindly.

Clicking his tongue, Diluc ran towards you, his claymore comfortably nestled in his hands before he lifted it to attack you. His weapon swang from the side and in anticipation of this, you jumped up to avoid the heavy weight of the claymore.

You knew without a doubt that you wouldn't be able to defend against his strength. It was simple really. In terms of strength, a claymore was definitely the winner.

However, you were a spear wielder who specialized in speed attacks. You would fight his strength with speed.

Quickly and gracefully landing on the grass, you pushed forward, your spear directly pointed to your opponent and propelled yourself with expertise that could only be accomplished through intense training.

Being the experienced fighter he was, Diluc quickly reacted and brought his claymore just in time to meet your spear and block you.

"Sorry for hiding like that," Diluc said, his voice not changing even in the heat of the exchange. "I was just curious to see what you were doing."

"How do I know," you glared at him with cold hard eyes that would give anyone else chills down their spine.

"You don't," Diluc bluntly responded. "All you know is what I told you. The decision rests on you whether you believe me or not."

Eying him with suspicion, you slowly pulled your spear back to you and took a few steps backwards. He didn't seem like a person who would lie about things like this. Your instincts told you thag he was telling the truth and you followed them.

Following you, Dilic put his claymore down before letting his disappear.

"That was a good exchange of blows," you grinned, a contrast from your cold response earlier. "You're a really good fighter."

"Experience is all," Diluc shrugged, not letting his eyes off you for a second.

Even though you had let your spear disappear as well and had changed your whole facial appearance, Dilic couldn't help but be cautious around you. He couldn't shake off a feeling that he couldn't explain.

"I'm y/n," you introduced.

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