11: Run It Up

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"So you want to start a new club?" Mr Smith asked me, and I quickly nodded. "Jones, you have five minutes to convince me."

That was no problem to me, it was like an impromptu speech; one where you only get two minutes to prepare, and you get a random topic. The only difference with this one is that I was fully prepared for anything that he threw my way, and that I didn't get enough time to mince my words together and put it in a sandwich.

"Sir, you know how high depression is in highschool? Do you know how bad mental health is a problem too? We need to start this club so that we can talk about it. I mean, sir, it'd be a good idea, Mr Dale-"

"He is the guidance counselor, people can just go to him."

"But there are students who want to be a part of the change and start a movement!" I exclaimed, then lowered my tone. "I know I sound like an idiot talking about starting movements but sir, hear me out, we can start the club, we get educated on social issues and take a stand, and more community recognition for you! Think about it."

He seemed like he was thinking about it, and I held back a snort. Of course principal's Smith made it a point to care about recognition in the country instead of his own students' mental health. But hey, whatever it takes to get him to agree, right?

"I suppose you have a point, Miss Jones." He nodded slowly. "But, I will need signatures of at least 5 students and a teacher that would like to be a part of-"

"Already have them, sir." I grinned, putting the paper that I was playing with on the desk. "1 teacher and 8 students, including me sir."

The best thing about being an art student is forging the signatures of your best friend, and the best part about being a history student is using big words to try and convince your neighbor to join. It may be a crime, but who gives a damn? They'll thank me later.

"That was fast, Jones."

"It was there before you even said yes." I winked. "So, what's the final verdict, your jury?"

He thought for a while, and then nodded. "I'll accept it. Now get out of my office, Cameron."

I stood up. "With pleasure." And walked out with pride, ready to continue on with my day.


"You did what??"

Terry looked up from his book, and Alexis rubbed her head. Blake had an afternoon lesson, so she had to get going, and I just confronted them about the meeting I had with the headmaster.

"I started a club." I smiled in satisfactory. "And you're going to be in it." Alexis began to laugh at Terrance before I hushed her. "You too Alexis."

She frowned. "What did I do to be apart of this?"

"You decided to move in next to my house." I winked. "I'm tired of convincing people for a week, so let me just say this; you're in and you have no choice, okay?"

"This is abuse."

"No honey, this is friendship." I whistled. "It's too late to back out anyways, I took your signatures to the principal."

"Hold on, you told me that signature was needed for a school choir!" I shrugged as Alexis rolled her eyes at me. "You selfish twat."

"Oblivious little bird." I shot back. "It's too late guys, it's already been done."

"You never asked me for my signature though." Terry frowned, and I smiled sheepishly. "Cameron I swear to God if I found out that you forged my signature-!"

"It was for the greater good, Terry." I reached over to hug him, and he shook me off. "Oh come on, you're gonna love it."

"Right, just like how I loved youi chicken teriyaki? Sure" He chuckled. "You still suck?"

"Go fuck a duck, Terrance." I cussed. "And I hope you get that duck pregnant."

"Not possible, girl." Alexis spoke. "Mainly because-"

"You're boring, shut up." I snapped, sitting back down. "Bottom line is, we're going to start this club, and we're going to have fun-"


"-Because this is our last year and as hard as we work, we should also play hard-"


"-And have a break as well, I mean we deserve it-" I grabbed the back of my head as someone pulled me up by my hair. "Fucking shit!" When I finally got up, I tried to throw a punch, but my fist was caught, and Roseanne smirked.

"You wanted to punch me?" She asked. "Ha! Cam, don't be stupid."

"You grabbed my hair, you bitch!" I cussed, trying to get out of her vice like grip. "Let me go!"

"Um, I don't think I want to." She shrugged and looked at Terrance and Alexis. "I'm borrowing this girl, you invertebrates, and I don't want you to follow me." She let go of my fist and grabbed my arm, pulling me with her.

"Rose and Cam are about to fight!" Some stupid cocksucker yelled from the back of our study hall.

"Stop making up rumors and go and wash the back of your mother, Johnathan!" Rose hollered back. "Dumbass bitch."

"Stupid ni-"

"Shut your bitch ass up, you white boy." Terrance stood up. "Do it before I give you something to cry about."

After that, Rose continued to pull me out the room. She took me to an empty hall and threw my body against the lockers. I hissed in pain and she placed her hand around my neck, her eyes intense.

"What the fuck-"

"Fuck your stupid club, you hear me?" She cussed. "My locker got vandalized and it's all because of you, you stupid bitch."

I pushed her away from me. "That doesn't mean harass me. If you wanted a fight you could've jumped me in homeroom." I walked to her locker, "Now show me what the fuck you mean."

When we reached her locker, she opened it. The same notes were found around her locker, and I picked one up. Taking a closer look, I tear it.

"Look this shit isn't new to people like us, okay?" I slammed her locker shut. "We're black, and we're fighting against the society, what did you expect to happen?"

"I get that, Cam. But I'm not gay." She pulled one note out and shoved it in my face. "I'm not gay."

"Good for you, Roseanne." I threw the paper on the ground. "You may not be gay, but you're black, and you're subject to racial slurs like this whether you like it or not. So suck it up, and let's do this." She didn't look convinced. "You and I don't really like each other, but for this cause, let's just try and work together, okay?"

She remained a bit silent, and then gave me the smallest of nods. "You better be right about this club, Cameron. Because if you aren't," She leaned in closer. "We'll have more than one problem to deal with." She walked away from me, and I stood staring at the empty hallway. Blake showed up out of nowhere, probably done with her afternoon class, and took the paper out of my hands.

"Again? What's going on, Cam?" She asked, and I clenched my fists.

"This fucker thinks that they can discourage me from starting this group? Well, they thought." I grit my teeth and walked past Blake.

"Cam, where are you going?"

"I'm going to show this anonymous fucker that you can't mess with a black woman, and that's on period." I yelled. "Let the games begin." I whispered to myself, before entering the study hall once again.

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