36: What Would You Do?

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If the one person that you trusted the most did something so unforgivable, what the fuck would you do? Forgive them and give them a second chance, or let it go and hold the grudge?

Never had I thought I'd have to answer this fucking question ever again.

The first time I answered this, it was because Roseanne hurt me. She didn't accept me as I am, and I forever held that grudge. But now I feel like the idiot because I may have been holding the grudge against the wrong person.

"She's a snake, Cameron."

"I don't know, she has something weird to her."

"She doesn't seem genuine."

Everyone had fucking warned me. Literally everyone.

I don't even know why she'd do this to me. I've been a good friend to her, and for her to start being a bitch just shows how fake she is. She literally brandished a knife in front of my eyes and gave me a hug, then stabbed me in the back with that knife. The worst part about that? She liked it, she fucking liked it.

After that had happened, I hadn't been in school for 2 days. My parents told me that they were called by the school, and that we had to see the principal on Monday. I didn't tell them why, and I knew who the fuck called the principal into this;


I hadn't answered my phone in 2 days, and it just kept on blowing up with texts and calls. It was the same scene each and every night for the past 2 days: eat, stare at ceiling, think, cry, repeat. My mom got concerned and tried talking to me, but I didn't budge. I just continued my routine.

Part of me felt so bad for doing that to Alexis because she didn't deserve any of it. While she tried checking up on mew I pushed her away. Maybe it's that stupid habit of mine: being scared of people getting too close to me.

Because just like what has just happened, you'll get so fucking hurt in the end.

There was a knock by my door, and I mumbled. "Come in."

My mother entered with a mug and put it down. "Cameron."


"I brought you some hot chocolate, I know you like it." I gave her a nod and she touched my thigh, "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's dandy." I lied.

"Talk to me baby, you haven't been out of your room in days." She frowned. "I know you're not okay."

"Mom, why do bad people in the world exist?" I asked her, and she cocked her head. "And why is it always the friend that hurts you the most?"

"Who hurt you?"

"Please answer." I murmured, ignoring her question. "Why?"

"Do you know the phrase, 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'?"

"Everyone knows it."

"Then you have your answer." She gave me a weak smile. "When you're ready to talk, I'll be here, okay, baby?"

"Okay." I reassured her with a false smile, and she walked out the room.

I dwelled on that statement for a bit. Blake was an enemy all along, and she made it her life mission to keep me close. She stayed true to the saying, and definitely knew how to play the cat in our little cat and mouse game.

She played me like a piano.

Picking up my phone for the first time, I switched it on to find 300 messages and 18 missed calls; from both known and unknown numbers. But the one person's texts and calls that alerted me the most was Alexis's. So that's why I decided to call her back.

"CJ." She sounded so relieved. "Are you okay?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Do you need me to update you on what's been going on for the past few days?"


"The instagram page has been taken down after we all tried to report it." She paused a bit. "Everyone's concerned about you, and Blake hasn't been in school since then. Cameron, we miss you."

"Of course, people only care when something's happened." I sighed. "What else?"

"Roseanne has been defending your name like Jesus came yesterday. She never got suspended for beating up Blake because apparently she was justified, but she said that she rather get expelled than stay in a school with a racist homophobic bitch."

"Rose really did that?"

"She did more than that, Cameron. We made sure to take all the letters you and the other members got and went to the principal. It was the least we could do, now it's your turn."

"I'm not ready to face the bitch." I scoffed. "Why did you 2 go to Principal Smith?"

"Because it doesn't matter who the fuck you are, you need to be safe in your environment." Alexis explained. "And before you go on your stupid speech about how dumb you are, let me tell you this; you were wrong, but that's just part of being a human. Knowing when you're wrong and how to fix it."


"And you know what? Screw that. What Blake did was inhumane, and everyone knows it. So I don't want you to feel like you deserve any of it, because trust me, no one does. So stop moping and get the fuck up, and prepare yourself, because the power will be in your hands on Monday."


"You heard me, Cameron." She said firmly. "You're the one whose gonna decide what happens to Blake."

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