35: So It Was You

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"Friendly debate huh?" Darren spoke up against Mr Dale, "Then why'd you put Cameron and Rose on separate teams?"

"I think it's better this way." Mr Dale nodded, "Am I right, Cameron?"

I nodded, waiting for the debate to begin. My team consisted of Alexis, Emily, and Felix. Rose's consisted of Terry, Chloe, and Darren. Blake wasn't feeling that well, so she had to go home early. I was quite upset about it but hey, what can we do?

"Okay, the question is..." Mr Dale stared at me, then at Rose, "Are second chances real?"

"I already know which side I'm on." I huffed, "Against that statement."

"For." Rose shrugged, "And if Cameron needs time to think, I'll go first."

Rose stood up and walked to where Mr Dale was standing, and cleared her throat, "Second chances are deserved because everyone makes mistakes, and nothing is unforgivable."

"On the contrary Roseanne, some mistakes are unforgivable." I shrugged, "If every supposed mistake was forgivable, there wouldn't be anyone in jail."

"You're right, Cameron, there wouldn't be anyone in jail." Darren shot back, "Every mistake is forgivable, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any consequences."

"Right, so you're saying that the death sentence isn't relevant and we should let a mass murderer free?" I asked him, and Rose pointed at me.

"Hey, that's a different debate question, okay?" She rolled her eyes, "Mr Dale, can I finish my speech before this hothead interrupts me?"

"I'm a hothead now? Neat."

"Go ahead, Roseanne." Mr Dale smiled at her, putting his papers down.

"Thank you." She did a little curtsey, "Now, as I was saying and as Darren also mentioned, no mistake is unforgivable, otherwise we wouldn't have Christians that believe in heaven and hell. I mean, in christian reli-"

"Roseanne, be objective, not subjective." Mr Dale reminded her, "You can't use religion as leverage."

"Right, sorry." She looked directly at me, "Cameron, you've made mistakes, am I correct?"


"Were your mistakes forgiven?"

"That doesn't matter-"

"They were, weren't they?" She closed in on me, "Because if they weren't, you'd be out here feeling guil-"

"Sir so you'll allow her to use me as an example?" I stood up and walked up to her, "Why is she allowed to be subjective?"


"No cause that's not fair." I spoke up, "She is using a personal example, so why can't I use one too?"

"Cameron, for the sake of peace, please just let this debate be impassive." Alexis said, "We can't have another argument."

"No, let her speak, I want to know." Rose looked at me, "Why can't you take second chances? You've made mistakes that were forgiven and forgotten, and people have given you a lot of shit and you forgave them. So why don't you accept second chances?"

"Because sometimes the people asking for them might not deserve them." I whispered, "Or maybe because they hurt someone beyond measure, and they aren't ready to forgive yet."

"Cameron, I have a question for you." Emily muttered, "Mr Dale, I know I'm on the against side but may I just ask her this question?"


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