Chapter 34

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A few more chapter from Olivia's POV! Enjoy🤍

Olivia's POV:

We didn't talk for an entire half hour. We just sat beside each other in the front lobby, waiting for the principal to call us in. It felt like the world was moving in slow motion. Cleo's knuckles were bruised. She kept extended and bending her fingers and it was starting to make me jumpy. The office was so quiet, like someone had soundproofed it for us. It didn't help. I wanted sound, distraction, something. There were posters up for the football team, debate club, cheer squad. One read, "Crestview High Students Choose Kindness!" I wanted to ball it up and burn it.

"Olivia," Cleo said, so quietly I wondered if I'd imagined it. I looked over at her. She wasn't crying, but she might as well have been. "What do we do?"

I let out a long breath. "I don't know," I said. It was the only thing I could give her.

"Cleo Roberts," the receptionist smiled, phone pressed against her ear. "Principal Brown will see you now."

I stood up with her as the principal stepped out of his office. "Olivia, I only need Cleo right now," he said.

"But, I-"

"It's okay," Cleo said. "I can talk to you later, okay?"

I hesitated before nodding. He led her into his shadowy office and closed the door behind them. I didn't know if I was supposed to, but I took a seat again and waited.

I could feel the situation crash into me all at once. I was going to lose the campaign. All of my work was for nothing. Everybody knew about us. I didn't even know if I had friends anymore. So, I pulled out my phone, and I texted the only person I could think to.

Me: Daniel, can we talk later?

Daniel: Yes.

Daniel: Are you okay?

I stared at my phone a long time before leaving his message on read.

It felt like hours sitting in that waiting room as the muffled noise of my principals voice sounded from his office's closed doors. Finally, he and Cleo left the office. Her eyes were pointed down, like they were carrying something heavy. I stood.

"Olivia," he said, giving me a nod. There was a beat of silence before I spoke.

"Well?" I stopped caring right then about being polite.

"Because Ms. Roberts has incited violence on another student, she has been suspended. For 10 days."

"Okay," I said, taking it in. "And what about Andrew? He's suspended, too?"

"No," he replied. "Crestview High has zero tolerance against violence."

"How does Crestview High feel about harassment?"

"He didn't punch anyone. Now did he, Ms. Hansen?" Mr. Brown said. I shook my head, glancing at Cleo. She couldn't even look at me. "Andrew's mother is very upset. Thankfully, she has decided not to press charges but if I were to suspend her son after he was targeted, she might. You can continue your campaign and pursue your high school career just as planned," he said to me.

Cleo took her school bag from the chair beside me and gave Mr. Brown one last look before leaving.

"Do you think this is fair?" I asked him, quietly. He just took in a breath.

"You're an excellent student, Ms. Hansen. One of our best. I urge you to spend your time with other excellent students. You were close to being involved in this situation. Next time, you might not be so lucky."

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